Whanganui Midweek

New Year New Yew/You!


Happy New Year from Beaver Tree Service!

New Years is always the time of year when we make promises to ourselves and others about how we are going to improve our lifestyle. Whether that means reducing or quitting a vice, trying to eat healthier or get more exercise, or maybe you’ve decided you need to be better at staying in touch with your friends and family.

We have another suggestion for your New Years resolution­s, why not resolve that this is the year you will get your outdoor space sorted!

This year is the perfect year to get planting and create the native garden you’ve been talking about for the last decade. Or maybe finally add that apple tree you’ve always wanted. Or why not resolve to really start taking care of the trees you already have! We often vow we’re going to try and stay more hydrated or really focus on our diet, so let’s make the same promise for our trees. Even well-establishe­d trees could use a little hydration help in the hot summer weather, and a boost of nutrients will always be welcome.

Maybe this is the year you’ve resolved to get your trees tidied up – definitely, something Beaver Tree Service can help you with. Did you know that Beaver Tree Service can provide biannual, annual, or biennial maintenanc­e for your trees? We also offer day rates meaning you can book us in for a full day’s work to get your trees ready for 2024.

We also offer a free, no obligation, quote in all the areas we service! Making your New Years resolution­s for your trees easy as.

At Beaver Tree Service we love trees, and we want you to get the best out of the trees on your property, so this year resolve to give Beaver a call!

Bryce Robb is Director/Head Arborist of Beaver Tree Service

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