Woman’s Day (New Zealand)

Hiding the past

Katie’s battle for Suri


We live in a world of “consciousl­y uncoupled” celebs, but when Katie Holmes filed for divorce from Tom Cruise, she was determined to shut him out of her life for good.

Embarking on a fresh start away from her marriage and the grasp of the Church of Scientolog­y, the actress vowed their daughter Suri – who was just six years old when the couple split in 2012 – would enjoy a normal childhood, in spite of her highly-publicised early years.

Now sources have revealed to Woman’sDay just how serious Katie has been about shielding Suri from the drama that plagued her marriage to Tom and the endless rumours that have ensued ever since their divorce. It comes after the 38-year-old actress admitted last week she’s done everything to protect her daughter’s “innocence” after her bitter and very public break-up.

“My child is the most important person to me and her upbringing is paramount to my work right now,” says Katie. “It’s very important that I’m present and she has a stable, innocent childhood.”

The actress and her girl have a very close connection, with Katie often capturing the pair’s tender moments on Instagram. “I feel so blessed to do what I do, but there’s nothing in the world better than watching your child succeed,” she tells.

The candid interview was a departure for the usually private Katie. And close friends add that her decision to protect her girl from heartache – it’s

alleged Tom hasn’t seen Suri, 10, in nearly four years because she is viewed a “suppressiv­e person” by the Church – has seen her almost completely remove any reference to Tom from her daughter’s life. But a longtime friend of the star also reveals “there was a lot that Katie didn’t disclose” in the interview.

“If Suri talks about her daddy, Katie will always respond and answer any questions she may have, but she never discusses him at length,” the friend tells, adding that Tom rarely comes up in conversati­on these days and Katie is very happy with that situation. “It’s a case of ‘out of sight, out of mind’, as far as she is concerned.”


The friend reveals that there are no photos of Tom, 54, on display in Katie’s New York apartment or the house she and Suri share in Los Angeles. “Katie doesn’t stop Suri from watching any of Tom’s movies,” the friend says. But then again, they never show up on any of the TV stations she watches. Katie is sure that may change in two or three years when Suri becomes a teenager and she might start searching out

Mission: Impossible and Top Gun, and want to know more about her dad. But for now, it’s not an issue.”

While she’s never blocked Suri from having contact with her father and even facilitate­s occasional phone calls between them, Katie has far from encouraged her daughter to reach out. Instead, she’s focused on giving Suri – who is often spotted on coffee and shopping dates with her mum, and has even joined Katie on set – every opportunit­y and fun experience possible.

“The truth is that Suri has such a busy, fun-packed life with her mum and has so many friends, that she doesn’t have time to dwell on the past,” says the friend. “And that’s the way Katie likes it.”

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