Woman’s Day (New Zealand)

Your stars

Your heavenly destiny for the week March 13- 19

- Astrologer Jenny Blume

Pisces FEB 20 – MAR 20

Venus is about to spoil you rotten! OK, March might be expensive, but concerts and dinners should make for a memorable month. Anything musical will draw you in and not just as a spectator. If you’ve always dreamed of singing or dancing, Mars is shouting, “Just do it!”

Cancer JUN 22 – JUL 23

Make hay while the sun still shines! Autumn’s proactive patterns will present you with a golden opportunit­y. As the sun approaches its zenith, some Crabs may even switch jobs or launch a new enterprise. Catch-ups could add to the busy vibe, so look after yourself. If you need a fast fix, try a late-week detox.

Scorpio OCT 24 – NOV 22

Celebratio­ns are on the cards, with happy news cheering everyone up. As people gravitate towards you, a casual catch-up might even morph into a full-blown party. A streak of vanity could put a diet or health kick back on the agenda, but enjoy an indulgent weekend first. For lasting results, leap right in next Wednesday!

Aries MAR 21 – APR 20

It’s true that full moons heighten our intuition, so pay close attention to your dreams. Insights gained now could prompt an important decision. If a health issue has been bothering you, bounce your ideas off a friend, then start planning a holiday – those feet will get itchy in the cooler months!

Leo JUL 24 – AUG 23

Your ability to manifest your dreams is impressive, so really think carefully about what you want. Stability? Status? Excitement? Research ideas or rally support, then set the ball rolling after Thursday. Looking for love? Singles might find themselves drawn to intense types this week or even to a colleague at work.

Sagittariu­s NOV 23 – DEC 22

Bring it on! Mercury’s arrival in your party sector spells fun. Whether it’s game nights, casual get-togethers or romantic dates, there are fascinatin­g people headed your way. As Venus activates that creative streak, a desire to express yourself will blossom and may even develop into a new venture.

Taurus APR 21 – MAY 21

Want to lower those stress levels? Many lightbulb moments await! Whether it’s through an exercise regime, hypnosis or marathon heart-to-hearts, this week’s full moon could prompt a new plan of attack. As your thinking deepens, why not start a journal or research your family tree? Your investigat­ive skills look impressive.

Virgo AUG 24 – SEP 23

If you’ve taken on too much, Saturn could prompt an overdue purge. Think more help, less work or new routines at home. Finances and legacies are also in the spotlight, but save big decisions until Easter. Meanwhile, declutteri­ng will be therapeuti­c and may also boost your bank balance.

Capricorn DEC 23 – JAN 20

Stylish stars are casting a bright light on to your home. As those nesting instincts grow, you’ll be full of big ideas, but with Venus in retrograde until Easter, do your research carefully. Friday’s passionate moon could reveal previously hidden feelings. If you’re playing the dating game, hang around after work!

Gemini MAY 22 – JUN 21

Life looks busy, but don’t fall into bad habits. Staying active will burn off that stress, so look for ways to make fitness fun. If a few laughs are thrown into the mix, all the better. Mercury will sharpen your thinking, so show up to those trivia nights! Singles, there could be an added attraction.

Libra SEP 24 – OCT 23

As the song says, “reach out and touch somebody”. Connection­s are getting stronger – both at work and on a personal level – so start letting out those bottled-up feelings. As Mars stimulates your senses, couples might reconnect in other ways as well. Candles, music, massages or a cheeky weekend away will help.

Aquarius JAN 21 – FEB 19

Fresh air is your magic elixir! These escapist stars are tailormade for outdoor activities and weekends away, but don’t blow the budget. As Jupiter stokes your curiosity, why not sign up for a local course or workshop? Permacultu­re, printmakin­g ... the more offbeat, the better!

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