Woman’s Day (New Zealand)


The singers pills about her hunky This is Us co-star Milo


After just one read of the script for Thisis

Us, Mandy Moore put up her hand to play wife and mother-to-be Rebecca Pearson. In fact, she demanded the role be hers.

“I was one of the first people to audition,” says the 32-yearold. “It was so beautiful and such a special project. I thought, ‘I have to be part of it. This is my part – I am Rebecca!’”

The producers agreed and snapped her up to star alongside 39-year-old Milo Ventimigli­a, who Mandy gushes is “the dreamiest”.

Now the former pop star gets candid about love, kids and why she shunned the spotlight.

Milo plays your husband Jack and your characters are really close. What is it like working with him?

We didn’t really know each other, so we just had to jump in. I felt comfortabl­e with him immediatel­y. It’s our job to find chemistry with people, but sometimes it’s more work than with others. With Milo, it was right on the surface. He’s so committed and he’s a gentleman. From “action” to “cut”, it feels like we’re a married couple. I couldn’t ask for anyone better.

And that man can cry – wow! We don’t know how anyone could watch him cry and not be a blubbering mess.

I know, it’s beautiful. Wait until you see him with the kids – he’s so good. Milo is made for this role.

In the opening moments of the show, we see Rebecca is expecting triplets. How was it playing a pregnant woman?

I watched a lot of YouTube videos of women giving birth, which was slightly traumatic, and I talked to my friends who’ve had babies. The thing that helped me the most was we had a nurse on set. She talked me through the different stages of labour. She said what my body would be doing, how much pain I’d be in. I didn’t want to be in the buckle-down, screaming tone. I wanted to gradually build up to it.

After seeing those videos, did you think, “I’ll hold off on having kids for a while”?

Totally! It’s funny, though, how your brain blocks it out because the second you work with babies, you feel this biological maternal urge. I thought, “Oh, I’m ready for this. I want this,” so it’s like my brain has blocked out what I saw. It’s lovely to hold them and work with them. I’m like, “Can I rent a baby?”

People have commented on your return to the spotlight. Did you ever go away?

I did. I took a conscious step out of the spotlight for the last few years. I got married and I was pouring all of myself into my personal life, which is a whole other story. But I’m fine with people saying, “I’m glad you’re back doing what you’re doing.” Likewise, I’m happy to be back and doing what I love.

You divorced your husband, singersong­writer Ryan Adams, last year. Is this the first time that you’re putting yourself first, rather than a relationsh­ip?

Oh, yes. I don’t think it’s a coincidenc­e that I’ve put the past behind me and the universe opened itself up to an opportunit­y like this. It came at the perfect time, when I was ready and open for the challenge.

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