Woman’s Day (New Zealand)


Tune in for a truly shopping end!


The man behind Mr Selfridge, Jeremy Piven, gears us up for the final season of his hit show.

What will you miss most about playing Harry?

There’s so much of it that I’ll miss – he was just a very loving, complex, tragic guy. It was so much fun and challengin­g to play him, and I’ll never forget it. The cast has a beautiful energy, we fit together really nicely and it’s something I’m very proud of.

What can we expect from this new season?

We open up towards the latter end of the roaring ‘20s, when people were really enjoying themselves after very dark times with World War I and the Spanish flu outbreak. It’s a great time to be alive and it’s a wonderful place to tell our final chapter. One of the things I love the most about the show is that while it’s based on a true story, you never really guess where the drama is heading. For instance, you don’t see Lady Mae coming back at all and, well, I can’t tell you what else – that would be a massive spoiler!

There are two new ladies in Harry’s life – the fun-loving Dolly sisters. Can you give us some insight?

Harry lives such a full, brilliant and tragic life and in the last chapter, he ran into the force that was the Dolly sisters. To Harry, they represente­d youth, vitality, being alive and seizing the moment. They had this beautiful, carefree attitude that Harry loved to be around. It’s well documented that he spent millions on them – showering them with diamonds and paying for their gambling habits. He was their bank and it was one of the factors that financiall­y ruined him. He had the time of his life with them and, of course, the press have a field day with him, and he becomes an even more dangerous entity profession­ally than he was before.

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