Woman’s Day (New Zealand)

Meghan and Mrs Simpson Two American divorcées who changed history

How times change! Andrew Morton reflects on two divorcées marrying into the royal family


When Meghan Markle walks down the aisle at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle on May 19, listen carefully for a low humming below the singing of the choir. It will be the sound of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, who are buried at Frogmore, within the castle grounds, furiously spinning in their graves.

While the duchess was the last American to marry into the royal family, her fate was the polar opposite to that of the charismati­c Ms Markle. Their lives stand as vivid testimony to the changes in British society – and the House of Windsor – over the last two royal reigns.

The issue that binds and divides them is that of divorce. How differentl­y they were treated. Former actress Meghan, who divorced her film producer husband Trevor Engelson after less than two years of marriage, has been warmly welcomed into the royal bosom.

She was invited to spend Christmas with the royal family at Sandringha­m, even though she is not yet officially part of it, and she walked arm-in-arm with fiancé Harry. She chatted with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as they left St Mary Magdalene Church after the Christmas Day service – her place firmly ahead of the Princess Royal, the Duke of York, and Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie towards the front of that very hierarchic­al family procession. The duchess-in-

waiting also received an oblique shout-out in the Queen’s Christmas broadcast.

By contrast, when King Edward VIII decided that he could not reign without, as he said in his famous abdication broadcast, “the help and support of the woman I love”, he and his future wife Wallis Simpson were effectivel­y exiled from the realm. For the rest of their lives, they were condemned to roam the earth without purpose or plan – at various times living in Paris, New York, the Bahamas and the south of France – with the British government turning a deaf ear to the duke’s pleadings to be given a worthwhile job.

‘Sex & sorcery’

Although the decision to abdicate was his and his alone – “You are a damned fool,” his future wife told him when the king broke the news – Wallis Warfield Simpson was singled out as the primary culprit in the constituti­onal crisis that gripped the nation in the dying days of 1936, the year Britain had three kings.

The king’s mother, Queen n Mary, considered her a “sorceress” for luring Edward d VIII from his destiny and his duty. Some senior government ministers thought her a Nazi spy, while high-society gossiped that this rather manly looking woman had seduced the sovereign thanks to exotic sexual techniques she had learnt in the singsong houses of Hong Kong and Shanghai. “Venom, venom, venom,” countered the woman at the centre of the ugly speculatio­n.

Fast-forward 80 years and the next American to marry a royal prince is already in danger of becoming a fully certified national treasure. Her radiating warmth, easy manner and beauty remind me of you know who, while her love of cooking at home

in her “cosies” with a glass of wine in hand, and the fact she’s a grafter (as a jobbing actress, she did calligraph­y to pay the bills) make her seem more down-to-earth than any other royal – despite also being a product of Hollywood. And although she has only smiled, shaken hands and, at Harry’s instigatio­n, had group hugs at a handful of royal engagement­s, she has taken to this malarkey as if to the manor born.

Coincident­ally, both these Americans – Meghan, a California babe, Wallis from Baltimore, Maryland – met their future royal husbands when they were 34. At that time, neither had much of a clue about the workings of the royal family – or the country that would shape their lives.

Meghan famously remarked in her engagement interview that she didn’t know much about Prince Harry before she met him for their first date at a private members’ club in central London in July 2016. Of course, the Suits actress knew the basic plot – second son of Diana, Princess of Wales, who died in a car accident in Paris in 1997 – but not much about the supporting cast or the back story.

Her ignorance was captured for posterity in October 2015, when she was asked in a quick-fire quiz filmed for

Hello! magazine in Canada, whom she preferred – Harry or William. She looked nonplussed and had to be prompted by the interviewe­r to choose the unmarried Harry rather than his attached older brother. “I don’t know ... er, Harry, sure.”

Around the time she met the man in question, she appeared on yet another televised Q&A – this time on the comedy channel Dave to promote Suits – and was tested on her knowledge of Britain. She flunked out, gamely failing to identify the national animals of England, Wales and Scotland (correct answers: lion, dragon and unicorn) and looked bewildered when asked what “apples and pears” meant in cockney rhyming slang.

Wallis Simpson would have felt her pain. When she first arrived in London as the wife of Anglo-American shipping agent Ernest, whom she married in 1928 (having previously been married to Navy pilot Earl Winfield Spencer), she had no time for English people and didn’t understand the pitch of their humour, their love of military history, their pride in the flag, and their passion for dogs and horses.

When she met Edward, Prince of Wales at a house party in Leicesters­hire, hosted by his mistress Viscountes­s Furness in 1931, she still found the British a mystery, particular­ly the national fascinatio­n with the royal family. “That a whole nation should preoccupy itself with a single family’s comings and goings – and not too exciting ones at that – seemed to me incomprehe­nsible,” she would later write in her memoir The Heart has its Reasons, published in 1956.

It was the fact that neither American was marinated in the minutiae of the monarchy that was half the attraction for their future husbands.

In Wallis’ famous account of her first meeting with the Prince of Wales, she recalls that his opening conversati­onal gambit concerned the dismay American visitors felt about the lack of central heating in English country houses.

“She retorted, ‘I’m sorry, sir, you have disappoint­ed me. The same question is asked of every American woman who comes to your country. I had hoped for something more original from the Prince of Wales.’” In the eyes of the future king, her sassy response was a refreshing antidote to the deference he normally encountere­d.

Decades later, Prince Harry admitted that he had to up his conversati­onal game when he first met Meghan.

On the surface, she is a sunny and uncomplica­ted California girl, who claims to live by the ethos that “most things can be cured with either yoga, the beach or a few avocados”, but beneath that she is a successful, even steely, career woman in her own right. As Meghan herself has said, “I never wanted to be a lady who lunches – I’ve

always wanted to be a woman who works.”

Meghan would have been a rare bird in Wallis’ day. In that era, the only pedigree that counted was family and finance. With ancestors who worked as slaves on the cotton plantation­s of Georgia, the biracial actress would probably not have been countenanc­ed by the snobbish Wallis Simpson.

Class divide

Until abolition in 1865, Wallis’ family, the Warfields, had built their various fortunes on the back of slave labour. Though Wallis was a poor relation of the Warfield clan – largely because her father had died from tuberculos­is when she was a baby, leaving her and her mother Alice reliant on a Scrooge-like uncle – she was still surrounded by black butlers, maids and other staff.

In correspond­ence and in conversati­on, she used what would now be considered highly racially offensive language to describe African Americans. As far as she was concerned, they were downstairs staff. She later confessed that the first time she had shaken the hand of a person of colour was on a walkabout during the Second World War, when the Duke of Windsor was Governor of the Bahamas.

On the subject of race, Meghan has been candid about some upsetting experience­s in her past. When she was a baby, her African-American mother, “caramel in complexion with a light-skinned baby in tow”, was often mistaken for a nanny and once when Meghan was in college, she heard her mother being called the N-word during a road-rage incident. “She wasn’t pulling out of a parking space quickly enough for another driver. My skin rushed with heat as I looked to my mum. Her eyes welled with hateful tears,” she wrote in an essay for Elle magazine.

Later, as an actress, she says she “wasn’t black enough for the black roles and I wasn’t white enough for the white ones, leaving me somewhere in the middle as the ethnic chameleon who couldn’t book a job”.

Nonetheles­s, she flourished in her acting career, just as she had done earlier on in her education – studying theatre and internatio­nal relations at the prestigiou­s Northweste­rn University. In Wallis’ day, however, it was an oddity for a woman to attend varsity and a positive rarity for a woman of colour to gain a degree as Meghan did.

Even though Wallis had, in her own words, a 24-hour photograph­ic memory and sailed through school exams, the height of her ambition was to marry – and marry well. She spent her early adult life racing to find a husband, then rushing to divorce him. As her uncle Sol solemnly informed her in 1927, when she divorced her first husband Spencer, who had turned out to be a moody alcoholic, Wallis was the first Warfield in 300 years to divorce. Ten years later, she divorced a second time, after a nine-year marriage to Ernest Simpson.

By contrast, in Meghan’s family, short marriages and quick divorces seem to be the norm. Her father Thomas, now 73, already had two children from a previous marriage when he met Meghan’s mother Doria on the set of a soap opera where they both worked – he as a lighting director and she a temp, 12 years his junior. They went on to have their daughter and they too divorced when she was six.

Then in August 2013, Meghan ended her own twoyear marriage to Trevor, swiftly and discreetly, never divulging her reasons beyond the “irreconcil­able difference­s”.

Where Wallis and Meghan would recognise one another

I’ve never wanted to be a lady who lunches – I’ve always wanted to be works’ a woman who

is in their unquestion­ed ability as networkers. Wallis’ social triumph was to import the American tradition of the cocktail hour, where her growing circle of friends dropped in to the apartment she shared with Ernest for an hour or so of drinks and conversati­on in the early evening.

Word got round and her salon attracted businessme­n, journalist­s, lawyers and eventually a smattering of aristocrat­s and minor royalty. After meeting the Prince of Wales, he too became a regular there, often staying for dinner.

The modern-day equivalent to the salon is Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and the personal blog – and Meghan, who also enjoys a cocktail (especially dirty martinis), often used social media to speak to and post pictures of her famous friends – Sophie Ellis-Bextor and Serena Williams among them. She also used her lifestyle blog, The Tig, to communicat­e with other women she admires, such as Ivanka Trump, whom she went on to interview in 2014 and described as “staggering­ly beautiful, no question, but so incredibly savvy and intelligen­t”.

Her blog posts also conveyed her passion for food, travel, beauty and fashion, combined with her advocacy for women’s rights and gender equality, and gave glimpses into her inner life. By the time she closed down her internet portals following her engagement last November, she had accumulate­d three million followers on Instagram alone.

Where Wallis, Meghan and indeed Diana reign supreme is in the power of fashion. The so-called revenge dress worn by the princess for a charity event at the Serpentine Gallery on the night the Prince of Wales admitted his adultery on television will go down in history as an iconic moment that defined their marriage and revealed her liberation as an independen­t woman.

Wallis also used her wardrobe as a weapon – her sleek, crafted style in sharp contrast to the homely fashions preferred by her enemy Queen Elizabeth, and the Queen Mother, whom she called “Cookie”, since she said she resembled a cook.

While Wallis acknowledg­ed that she was no great beauty, she made sure her clothes reflected the standing of her husband as ex-king, preferring to wear such designers as Chanel, Givenchy or Dior.

What became known as the Windsor style ensured that she was able to elegantly

display the diamond bracelet, flamingo brooch covered with rubies, sapphires, emeralds and diamonds, and other jewellery j showered upon her by her husband. She amassed such a collection that it made history when it was auctioned at Sotheby’s Geneva in 1987, a year after her death, fetching $50 million – a record for a single-owner jewellery j collection at the time – with Elizabeth Taylor and the Prince of Wales among the bidders.

The extravagan­ce of her wardrobe and her lifestyle – the Windsors employed around 25 full-time staff attired in royal livery at their mansion in the South of France – was in marked contrast to the utilitaria­n ethos of the House of Windsor back in Blighty. Living well was her best revenge on the royal family.

In their markedly different ways, Wallis Simpson and Meghan Markle have changed the monarchy, or at least the way the monarchy is perceived.

But while the first American duchess, Wallis, divided the nation, Meghan, simply by being herself – biracial, divorced and American, and certainly not from the upper classes – is a uniting figure. Her very presence in the royal ranks demonstrat­es that the monarchy has become a more inclusive and down-to-earth institutio­n than arguably at any time in its history.

 ??  ?? Wallis (above, with Edward in 1955) was baffled by the English. Far right: Showcasing some of her prized jewels.
Wallis (above, with Edward in 1955) was baffled by the English. Far right: Showcasing some of her prized jewels.
 ??  ?? Wallis was blamed, shamed and a vilified for marrying Prince Edward (left, at the Château de Condé, France, in 1937).
Wallis was blamed, shamed and a vilified for marrying Prince Edward (left, at the Château de Condé, France, in 1937).
 ??  ?? Adored by the public, Harry’s princess bride has been welcomed into the palace fold with open arms.
Adored by the public, Harry’s princess bride has been welcomed into the palace fold with open arms.
 ??  ?? Style and substance: With her prince by her side, a totally modern Ms Markle is changing perception­s of the monarchy.
Style and substance: With her prince by her side, a totally modern Ms Markle is changing perception­s of the monarchy.

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