Woman’s Day (New Zealand)


Ease your pet’s stress when bad weather hits with our tips


Many pets are petrified of storms. Take a look at your furry friend and you’d think their world was about to come crashing down around them! Here are some simple steps you can take to help ease their anxiety.


Don’t take any risks – assume a stressed pet will try to escape. So the best place for them is in a “safe zone”. A laundry or another well-insulated room is ideal for your little buddy’s bunker. Close all the windows and curtains, and turn the lights on to block out flashes of lightning.

Then play music to drown out the noise of the thunder or consider putting some washing on. It may sound strange, but it will provide non-threatenin­g vibrations that drown out those coming from outside.


If storms happened daily, our pets would get used to them. So make them feel more normal by downloadin­g the sound of a thundersto­rm and playing it on a stereo – initially at low volume then building up the level. This will teach your pet that storms are nothing special or out of the ordinary and therefore they’re nothing to worry about.


The flowing water produces negative ions that neutralise the static electricit­y a storm generates – which is what’s believed to play the largest part in causing storm stress.


No-one likes having to use pills to appease problems, but if your pet’s phobia is extreme, it is an option. There are tablets that could ease their anxiety enough that they learn to live with storms. Speak to your vet about the best medication­s.

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