Woman’s Day (New Zealand)

Villain at first sight I HATE ME TOO!


Tough ough-talking talking Ksenia Smorodinov­a has faced plenty of criticism for how she treats her hubby Wayne McIntosh on MAFS, but few viewers could be as harsh as the Russian bride is on herself.

“I don’t like the person I see on TV,” she tells

Woman’sDay. “I was watching from under a table, trying to hide from myself. It was very tough seeing the way I sound and look. How could Wayne even like me? I’m such a b****. I’m so horrible! What’s there for anyone to like?”

Ksenia, Ksenia 33, 33 insists the show’s editors made her look ruder than she was on her honeymoon, but she confesses, “I was moody and grumpy after the long flight, and I took it out on my husband. I totally regret the things I said – I’m not made of brick or stone.”

The brunette beauty admits she’s “100% the villain” of the Three show, although she adds, “Hopefully someone else will take that place from me. I think Ottie and Gareth will be the next xt ones, and then probably bly Julia and Dave. I can’t wait for all eyes to be off me.”

That said, said she’s friendly with everyone in the cast, saying, “The 10 people on the show are all really supportive – the other four million in New Zealand hate me.”

Asked how she feels about her marriage, Ksenia tells, “There is hope for us. Wayne is a good choice for me and I do like him, but I’m that girl who wants a guy to do a bit of chasing. He needs to put in a bit of effort to win my heart. He can’t give up too quickly.quickly.”

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