Woman’s Day (New Zealand)

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Tasty treats

The “Green cuisine” recipes in this week’s issue looked very delicious ( WD, Oct 21), and fortunatel­y seem fairly simple to put together. I know it’s cheap, easy and fast to throw a meal together with prepackage­d food, but all those preservati­ves aren’t good for our bodies. I love all the fresh ingredient­s in your recipes – nuts, seed, herbs and supergreen­s. We know these foods are so much better for us. Thanks for all the lovely healthy ideas!

✦✦ Glen, Kapiti

Radio love

Strange as it may seem, the other day the radio wedding couple Zane and Paula Nicholl came to mind and I wondered how they’d fared over the years. I didn’t realise it had been 20 years until I saw them in your 30th birthday issue ( WD, Sep 30). It’s wonderful they are still so happy, enjoying life together with their three children. Congratula­tions and may they have many more years to come.

✦✦ Pat, Papamoa

True beauty

What an awesome write-up about our very own Rachel Hunter ( WD, Oct 14). She’s gorgeous, sexy, talented and inspiring. She looks wonderfull­y beautiful at 50 and is embracing life as a single woman. Rach seems blissfully happy juggling work and travel – she loves her independen­ce. I wish her all the best in her future endeavours.

✦✦ Ruby, Christchur­ch

Matt’s story

For many years, the media have not reported on depression and suicide, worried that it would lead to copycat behaviour. I applaud the approach of Woman’s Day in tackling these issues head on and telling genuine stories of not just everyday Kiwis, but also celebritie­s sharing their battles. Matt Chisholm’s story ( WD, Oct 14) is very normal in New Zealand, but he is able to use his celebrity voice to reach out and show us that with determinat­ion and the support of friends and family, we can get through the dark times. Life is not all roses and butterflie­s – we need to accept that stress and challenge are normal, and focus on strategies to work through rather than seeing ourselves as failures. Thanks Matt for sharing your story of survival, and good job Woman’sDay for continuing to share these tales of hope.

✦✦ ✦ Jess, Wellington

BittBitter­sweet t

I read Matt Chisholm’s story with interest, particular­ly in regard to his old mate, the late Greg Boyed ( WD, Oct 14). It was good to know they gave support to each other during their hard times, though very sadly Greg is no longer with us. I’m glad to see Matt’s outlook on life has improved this past year.

✦✦ Ian, Auckland

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