Woman’s Day (New Zealand)

Chatter box with Sarah-Kate

Sarah-Kate touches on her COVID-19 concerns


It’s not often I get a jump on the crowd, but I have to say I’ve been a serial hand washer for years. It started about 25 years ago when I had to do rigorous psychometr­ic testing as part of the interview process for a magazine editor’s job. What the test revealed was that I am perfectly designed to drive tractors or harvest stolen body organs. But I got the magazine job anyway.

However, a question on one of the tests has stuck with me all this time. It was a yes or no question, one of 400 that you were supposed to answer very quickly so you couldn’t cheat. Actually, it wasn’t a question but a statement. And the statement was: “I have an irrational fear of touching door handles.”

At the time, I did not, and answered no. But afterwards I wondered if that was incorrect. I wondered if I did have an irrational fear of touching door handles that up until that point I just hadn’t noticed. I then developed an irrational fear of touching door handles. Although it is not so irrational in the coronaviru­s era, is it? In fact, I’d argue that it wasn’t irrational then either.

In those days, I had a friend who did PR for a company which had access to informatio­n about the germiest places on the planet, and guess what number one was? The door handle as you leave a public restroom.

I haven’t touched one of those for years. I either use my skirt, my sleeve or if the loo has paper towels, one of them. By the way, those hot-air blowing hand dryers take longer than 10 seconds, so stop pretending otherwise, hot-air-blowinghan­d-dryer-makers.

Other germy places I recall from that same PR source are escalator handrails, the handle of a supermarke­t shopping trolley and the buttons on ATM machines. In fact, any buttons.

You know, you can use your foot to press the button on a pedestrian crossing. And you can ride the elevator until someone else wants to go to your floor. Or you can take the stairs – just keep your mitts off the rail.

Another reason I believe my fear is rational not irrational is that I now accept that my hands spend a lot of time on my face, which is how germs get transmitte­d.

Until recently, I imagined that my fingers spent most of their time on my keyboard. More buttons, I know, but they’re only full of my germs and my germs are cute. So far.

But ever since COVID-19, I’ve become super aware of how much I scratch my nose, bite my nails, rub my chin and my eyes. Why, it’s a wonder I get any work done at all!

It’s just as well I’m a germophobe or I would’ve caught the plague years ago.

So I’m working on the face thing. I do like a glove as it happens, and am wondering if there is perhaps a shopping opportunit­y to be gleaned from all this. Gloves require a matching hat, of course. And handbag? Oooh, suddenly the world’s a warmer place again.

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