Woman’s Day (New Zealand)



Kiwis are now adjusting to a new way of living. It does take some getting used to, but we’re all in this together. At home, continue to wash your hands thoroughly and regularly, and remember to take care of each other – we will get through this. Officially, we are now at Alert Level 4 of New Zealand’s fourlevel COVID-19 alert system.

This means:

✦ People are instructed to stay at home

✦ Educationa­l facilities are closed

✦ Businesses are closed, except for essential services (supermarke­ts, pharmacies, clinics) and lifeline utilities

✦ There is a rationing of supplies and requisitio­ning of facilities

✦ Travel is severely limited

✦ There is a major reprioriti­sation of healthcare services


✦ A cough

✦ A high temperatur­e (at least 38°C)

✦ Shortness of breath

The Ministry of Health says having these symptoms doesn’t necessaril­y mean you have COVID-19, as they are similar to the symptoms of having a cold or flu. If you exhibit these symptoms and have recently been overseas or have been in close contact with someone confirmed to have COVID-19, please phone Healthline on 0800 358 5453 or call your doctor immediatel­y.


Like the flu, COVID-19 is spread by droplets. This means that when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, they may spread droplets containing the virus. These droplets are too large to stay in the air for long, so they quickly settle on surroundin­g surfaces.

How do we get rid of the virus on surfaces?

Now is a good time to be extra vigilant when cleaning – clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects, such as doorknobs and mobile phones. COVID-19 can remain on plastic and stainless steel surfaces for up to about three days, and less than that for other types of surfaces – this will depend on the surface. If surfaces look visibly dirty, they should be cleaned first. It’s best to use a disinfecta­nt that is antiviral and follow its instructio­ns. Remember to store cleaners and disinfecta­nts safely away from young children. ✦ For more informatio­n, visit covid19.govt.nz, follow @uniteagain­stcovid19 on Instagram or “Unite Against Covid-19” on Facebook.

 ??  ?? Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

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