Woman’s Day (New Zealand)


The actress is about to unveil her biggest weapons yet – the couple’s own kids!


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s ugly divorce battle has waged on since 2016, more than double the time of their two-year marriage.

And now, in the saddest and most shocking developmen­t yet, Angelina’s threatenin­g to put the couple’s children – Pax, Knox and Vivienne – on the witness stand to testify against their dad Brad!

In court documents filed on March 12, the 45-year-old actress accused her ex of domestic abuse and claims she has “proof” of her allegation­s. And sources say she’s preparing to dig out shocking secret tapes to support her testimony.

“Brad can’t believe she’s resorted to dragging them into this ongoing battle,” says an insider of the Jolie-Pitts’ six kids, Maddox, 19, Pax, 17, Zahara, 16, Shiloh, 14, and 12-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne.

“This shows they’re really getting desperate,” says family law expert Evie P Jeang. “Putting the kids in between the fight should be the very last resort.”

And the divorce lawyer believes the risky move could actually end up backfiring on Angelina – especially if Brad is allowed to cross-examine the children.

However, the stressedou­t star, who is fighting for 50/50 physical and legal custody of the minor children in the trial, is hoping it doesn’t come to that.

“Brad believes the court will see through her tactics as they have done before,” says a source. “This is just a lastditch effort to force him to back down and cave to her demands.” Of course, this isn’t the first time Angelina’s made claims of violence against Brad. After filing for divorce in 2016,

Angelina accused the 57-yearold actor of being “verbally abusive and physical” with the children following an alleged incident between Brad and Maddox on a private jet from the US to Europe.

The LA County Department of Children and Family Services investigat­ed the claims and cleared Brad of any charges, but sources say he and Maddox have been estranged ever since.

According to an insider, Maddox has already given testimony as an adult in the case “and it wasn’t very flattering towards Brad.” Sources say Maddox has

 ??  ?? The actress is set to release secret tapes to support her claims.
Maddox has taken his mum’s side and wants to break ties with his dad.
The actress is set to release secret tapes to support her claims. Maddox has taken his mum’s side and wants to break ties with his dad.

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