Woman’s Day (New Zealand)



Saturday mornings at the local aquatic centre is always busy with people attending different classes in each of the three pools.

From the clues, can you tell the time of each class, the instructor that takes it and how many people are in each?


1. The earliest class’s instructor is male.

2. The aquarobics class for the over 50s is the largest.

3. Tammy doesn’t take the 9am Flippaball class, which is a junior form of water polo.

4. An odd number of people attends the last class.

Each time you rule out a match, put a cross where the vertical and horizontal squares meet in the grid. When you find a match, put a tick in the grid. Also put a cross in the other two squares horizontal­ly and vertically in the same line, as no other combinatio­ns can be true. By doing so, you’ll gradually be able to solve the puzzle.

 ?? ??

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