Your Home and Garden




+ What were your best decisions? I got recycled kauri for the missing flooring so there’s a flow through the house – you can’t tell where there were once rotten floorboard­s or walls that have been moved.

+ Worst reno moment? When the painters poured paint all down the side of the house! Also, when I ordered hedging plants “for instant privacy” and when they arrived they were only knee height.

+ Any splurges? The master bedroom wallpaper; I bought it right at the start of the renovation, to ensure I had money in the budget for it. The LouvreTec deck roof was another big cost but it makes a huge difference to how big the house feels – it’s pretty much added another room.

+ Any bargains? None of the tiles were expensive, other than those for the splashback.

+ Best moment? Seeing Eden and Lisa walk in and hearing Lisa say, “Oh my gosh, I love it” – that’s all I’d been waiting for.

+ What gave you the best bang for your buck? The lighting has made a huge difference and highlights everything that’s good. Lights make dark-coloured walls look dramatic and amazing.

+ Style tip? I like to exaggerate height with tiles and wallpaper so I recommend you take curtains quite high, even if you don’t have high ceilings. It looks luxurious. With curtain runners, I either match them to the wall colour (powder-coating them if I need to) or make a feature of them.

+ Renovation tip? Never expect it to be easy or straightfo­rward. Something will come up so have a contingenc­y fund.

+ How did you keep track of costs? I got quotes for everything – tradies, products, the kitchen etc – and we had a contingenc­y fund for all the little extras. At times we went over budget when we thought it would improve the value of the house.

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