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If you love great food, you’ll love Hawke’s Bay’s 10-day food and wine experience featuring hot talent and a deliciousl­y diverse programme

Aholiday in Hawke’s Bay would hardly be complete without a little F.A.W.C! The cheeky acronym stands for Food and Wine Classic, the region-wide Summer Series that runs from November 3-12 this year. It’s the food and wine festival for people who are serious about food – and who love a good time.

The twice-yearly event features guest chefs partnered with local restaurant­s and wineries to showcase the best of Hawke’s Bay’s abundant produce. This season’s mouth-watering event has more than 70 events and a quality line-up of guest chefs, alongside Hawke’s Bay’s own amazing talent. The programme is incredibly diverse, with masterclas­ses, degustatio­n, winemaker’s lunches, garden parties, picnics in the vines and progressiv­e dinners.

New Zealanders love learning about food and, of course, we love tasting it too. F.A.W.C! offers the chance to do both with chefs and food creatives such as Josh Emett, Ben Bayly, Nadia Lim, Al Brown, Nici Wickes and Ray McVinnie, alongside the best of Hawke’s Bay’s local talent including James Beck, Kent Baddeley, Jeremy Rameka and many more. As a food festival, F.A.W.C! is a bit special because it’s an opportunit­y to have food and wine experience­s beyond the usual – and that aren’t available at other times of the year. Even better, because it’s a region-wide event, F.A.W.C! attendees can indulge in a diverse range of food and wine experience­s right across Hawke’s Bay.

The multi-location style of F.A.W.C! makes it perfect to combine with a full Hawke’s Bay holiday experience. Imagine waking early on a sunny morning and tasting the fresh produce at the famous Hawke’s Bay Farmers’ Market. Then, a leisurely spin along one of the region’s extensive cycle trails before heading to a F.A.W.C! cheese education session. The next day, perhaps a drop of champagne at a F.A.W.C! brunch, followed by a round of golf at Cape Kidnappers. Or, if sleeping in is more your thing, take the morning slowly before a visit to the gannets and the beach, then off to a F.A.W.C! vertical chardonnay tasting.

Tickets are on sale from September 13, so jump online to book yours and head to Hawke’s Bay for an unforgetta­ble F.A.WC.! Visit for tickets and to check out the full programme.

One hot ticket

Long, lazy lunches under the vines, the best of Hawke’s Bay wine and gorgeous local produce are just some of the treats on the menu during the food and wine series.

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