Your Home and Garden



+ Best lessons learned when it comes to decorating? Ron: Don’t rush to buy your furniture. Wait for something you really want. It takes time. When we first moved in, we went out to buy a house lot of furniture all at once. After it was all in place, I realised we could have used less money to buy better quality, used pieces with more character than going for brand new.

+ Any DIY disasters? So far, we haven’t done any DIY here that has turned out to be a disaster.

+ One thing you would change about your home if you could? Increase the number of rooms!

+ What have you changed in the apartment? The only things we have changed are the gas hob and oven as the previous ones weren’t working very well. We’ve also polished up the stainlesss­teel benchtop. At the moment we are on a budget and saving up to do something big.

+ How have you divided up the space in the apartment? Our living and dining area is open-plan. I’ve tried to divide these two spaces using furniture and plants in order to give each area a different feel. I love how spacious and sunny our living area is.

+ What plans do you have for your home?

We have two balconies but one is more of a rooftop terrace. We use the small balcony sometimes but hardly ever use the terrace because it’s too cold and windy, especially during winter. We are thinking about how we could enhance these outdoor areas by putting in some protection from the elements; that way, we could have our friends and family over more easily.

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