Your Home and Garden



> Parsley seed can be sown in large pots for container cultivatio­n or for planting out later. Choose a sunny spot and sprinkle seed thinly on top of soil mix. Cover very lightly with fine soil and keep moist and warm. Seedlings should pop up in 3-4 weeks.

> Keep sowing spinach directly into the garden for a continuous harvest, but only if soil is warm enough. Otherwise sow in trays for planting out later. Spinach does best in cooler weather and light soils with compost and manure added before planting. Water regularly.

> Broad beans can still be sown but if your soil is very wet or cold, sow seed in punnets for planting out later. A sunny, sheltered spot is best, ideally at the back of the bed so they don’t shade other crops.

> Summer isn’t the same without lots of fresh salads. The choice of different salad green varieties and mixes is huge so check out seed supplier websites and go for something with coloured leaves for the most nutrition.

> You can’t beat the flavour of home-grown tomatoes. Keep seedlings in a greenhouse or a sunny, sheltered spot and transfer to larger pots as roots develop. When the first flowers appear they should be strong enough to plant out.

> Sow sweetcorn seed into punnets or trays and keep on a warm, sunny windowsill or outside under glass. Keep potting into larger containers until seedlings are a good size before planting out. Short-season varieties are best in colder parts of the country.

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