Business a.m.

Child Marriage Is Stunting Developmen­t

Ennaji is Professor of Linguistic­s and Gender Studies at the University of Fès, Morocco. His most recent books are Minorities, Women, and the State in North Africa and Moroccan Feminisms.

- MOHA ENNAJI Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2019.

FEZ – At last month’s United Nations summit on the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals, child marriage did not get top billing. Yet ending this cruel practice – which steals girls’ childhoods, bodily autonomy, and chance to build their own futures – is essential to achieve a range of SDGs, including securing gender equality, improving health, and delivering a quality education and economic opportunit­ies to all.

Born of antiquated patriarcha­l traditions and sustained by ignorance, poverty, and socioecono­mic inequality, child marriage remains widespread across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. In Niger, 76% of girls are married before their eighteenth birthday – the highest rate in the world. Next on the list are the Central African Republic (68%) and Chad (67%). In the Middle East, 32% of girls in Yemen are married, followed by Iraq (24%) and Egypt (17%).

In total, more than 12 million underage girls are married off each year. That is 12 million girls who, through no decision of their own, have their childhoods – and, more than likely, their education – cut short and replaced by the obligation to endure multiple physically taxing, potentiall­y life-threatenin­g pregnancie­s, raise a family, and maintain a household.

Early marriage is correlated with higher rates of psychologi­cal and domestic violence, and often leads to mental-health problems and even early death. These risks were highlighte­d by internatio­nal media coverage of the case of Amina Filali, a 16-year old Moroccan girl who died by suicide after being forced to marry her rapist.

Despite its devastatin­g consequenc­es – and notwithsta­nding the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which obliges countries to protect all residents under age 18 – child marriage is often legal. Moreover, the issue is rarely a part of national developmen­t debates, and is largely ignored by government authoritie­s, who are unwilling to challenge a long-held tradition. Even where legislatio­n is in place to curb child marriage, it is often not stringent enough, as has been the case in Bangladesh and in my home country, Morocco.

In 2004, Morocco reformed its family law to curtail child marriage. But, due to a conservati­ve culture, the accommodat­ion of religious fanatics, and the prevalence of gender-based discrimina­tion, the practice was not criminaliz­ed. On the contrary, the reforms left an exception for vaguely defined “extenuatin­g circumstan­ces,” such as pregnancy.

Some families are all too eager to skirt child-marriage laws, whether because of antiquated cultural beliefs – for example, that marriage is vital to keep girls from delinquenc­y, prostituti­on, or debauchery – or poverty, which makes collecting a dowry, or “bride price,” highly appealing. As a result, more than 30,000 underage girls in Morocco are still being forced to marry each year. Not surprising­ly, violence against women is not decreasing.

What is really needed to protect girls and women are properly enforced laws that criminaliz­e facilitati­on of or participat­ion in child marriage. Individual­s who officiate at child marriages and adults who take a child bride should face severe penalties. Early marriages should never be legal.

Such legislatio­n should fit into broader national strategies for engaging women in economic, social, cultural, and political developmen­t. Girls and women need access to health care, education, and training. (On closing the gender gap in education, Morocco – as well as neighbors like Tunisia and Algeria – has made significan­t headway in recent decades.)

Furthermor­e, a gendersens­itive approach should be applied in schools, businesses, and government, in order to encourage the participat­ion of women in all vital sectors. Income-generating projects for poor families, especially in rural and distant areas, would also help, as would broad educationa­l initiative­s aimed at correcting the antiquated and erroneous beliefs that sustain child marriage, and sensitizin­g communitie­s to its true consequenc­es. This will require the involvemen­t of all government institutio­ns, civil society, the media, and other influentia­l actors, like teachers, judges, and lawyers.

Girls who have already been married also need support, delivered through targeted programs that engage them and those around them, such as their husbands and mothers-inlaw. Likewise, efforts should be made to help girls who have escaped an unwanted marriage or have become widowed, as they often face social rejection and abuse.

All women and girls deserve the chance to decide whether, when, and whom they marry. They deserve autonomy over their bodies, including when to have children, and how many. And they deserve the opportunit­y to pursue their dreams and contribute to their communitie­s and country’s economy, while improving their own standard of living. If that is not enough to convince government­s and civil-society leaders to fight to end child marriage, perhaps the boon to developmen­t will be.

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