Business a.m.

Profession­alising the Family Firm

- Rachael Noyes

ACONVERSA TION ABOUT THE OPPOR TUNITIES and threats that spur families into action.

The idea of a family firm often suggests iconic brands, like Hermès. Yet most don’t stand the test of time. In fact, family firms fail at an alarming rate: Around 70 percent go bust even before the second generation takes the helm. They flounder for many reasons, but it often starts with a lack of profession­alisation, which includes defining corporate governance and perhaps welcoming external executives in to manage the firm.

What is a family firm to do? INSEAD Professor of Economics and Academic Director of the Wendel Internatio­nal Centre for Family Enterprise Morten Bennedsen had some suggestion­s for family leadership in a recent INSEAD Knowledge podcast.

“This process of shifting from family to profession­al leadership, sometimes back again, is probably one of the biggest challenges that family firms have today”, Bennedsen said. An expert in the realm of family business research and a former advisor to the Danish Ministry of Business regarding family firms and succession politics, he spoke about the pitfalls and possibilit­ies the profession­alisation process entails.

Profession­alisation is

“about having the right leadership skills at any level in the organisati­on and moving the family firm from a one-man band, from this famous creative person with very little corporate government structure, to the full symphony orchestra” – including a CEO and the board – of a well-managed firm. Bennedsen views the process as the developmen­t of an organisati­onal structure that encompasse­s all the firm’s human resources towards a common goal, like an orchestra.

Change is difficult, and allowing outsiders into a family enterprise can be a tremendous upheaval, often tinged with the ominous spectre of mortality. There is a sense among many owneropera­tors that hiring a manager from the outside is an admission that they won’t be around to manage the firm indefinite­ly.

Some rare examples, like Hermès, have been able to successful­ly profession­alise their leadership and later bring the CEO role back into the family. Bennedsen explained that when the luxury firm sought out a new CEO after a profitable 12 years under Patrick Thomas, it was able to look within the family for management. Profession­alising was a boon for Hermès, and although the leader is part of the family, the hallmarks of adding transparen­cy to the establishe­d firm continue to help it thrive.

The “why, when and how” of profession­alising

Other family firms, like Birkenstoc­k, profession­alise and then take the further step of selling up. The sandal company, founded in 1774, had to hire its first external CEO in 2012 when internal family feuds were tipping into the business side. The €4 billion sale was announced in February 2021. Bennedsen described the sale as a clear benefit for the family – everyone was “very happy”.

But for many familyowne­d enterprise­s, this is the stuff of nightmares, the idea that the profession­al CEO might sell the business that their ancestors created and built up right out from under their noses. To combat these fears, Bennedsen emphasised the importance of trust: “It’s different to be a CEO, external CEO in a family firm than in a non-family firm. Idiosyncra­tic things matter. And what really matters is trust, that the family has trust in you … the family will have a lot of fear, particular­ly the first time they do this.” Exceptiona­l leaders make great profession­al CEOs in family firms.

Before they find the right leader, family members need to work out the why, when and how of profession­alising.


An owner-manager as the head of a family firm entails a certain amount of what Bennedsen referred to as “key personal risk”. If that person is hit by a bus tomorrow, the impact is terrible not only for the family as a family, but also the family business. Minimising that key personal risk must be recognised when considerin­g the profession­alisation process.

Meandering along without clear governance structure or transparen­cy, family firms that lack profession­alisation may frighten away family members. And as Bennedsen pondered, it can also “frighten away the talented non-family members which every family business is so dependent on. If there’s no clear prospect for good, non-family people in the firm, why should they stay?”

Succession, that constant thorn in the side of family enterprise­s, has grown more difficult in non-profession­alised family firms as the traditiona­l apprentice model of training the next generation is no longer the only option.

“If you are not Hermès, if you’re just a normal family firm, it’s not about which of your kids is going to run the firm, it’s really about convincing any of your kids not to run away”, he explained.


Family firms generally profession­alise when they face opportunit­ies or threats. Opportunit­ies could be new business strategies, digital disruption or the possibilit­y of opening a new market in a totally different part

of the world. Threats have to do with poor financial performanc­e or infighting. The more successful family firms profession­alise when there are opportunit­ies, according to Bennedsen, not when their backs are against the wall.

How Once family firms have accepted profession­alisation, Bennedsen suggested a three-step plan:

Develop long-term agile and resilient business strategies based on strong family assets. Some family assets are intangible, such as the family name, a history of survival, values-based leadership, skills and quality. Bennedsen said, “One part of profession­alisation is to be clear about these business strategies. So, it goes from just the stark feeling of just one person to something that the whole organisati­on understand­s and will internalis­e.”

Develop strong corporate governance systems to incentivis­e and attract independen­t board members. The checks and balances associated with strong corporate governance can help diffuse key personal risk.

Find, integrate and incentivis­e the right top manager. He described some of the benefits associated with working with a family firm as a sense of freedom from quarterly reports and often a healthy amount of independen­ce. Firms need to focus on the rewards that working with a long-establishe­d family name can bring, as well as the salary and benefit package.

Opportunit­ies for profession­al managers

Family-owned firms are the bedrock for swathes of the global market. With America’s baby boom generation considerin­g giving up their owner-manager roles, perhaps now is the moment for these family firms to consider profession­alisation and for enterprisi­ng and empathetic leaders to think about joining a family firm.

Demographi­c changes, pandemics, digital disruption aside, “the only way you can convince the next generation and provide for a firm in a business world which has so many new demands is by profession­alising. And most family owners understand that today”, Bennedsen concluded.

Morten Bennedsen is the André and Rosalie Hoffmann Chaired Professor of Family Enterprise at INSEAD and the Academic Director of the Wendel Internatio­nal Centre for Family Enterprise. He is also a Niels Bohr Professor at the University of Copenhagen. He is co-author of the book The Family Business Map: Assets and Roadblocks in Long-Term Planning.

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