Business a.m.

Falling Flat: Why Startups Need Hierarchic­al Structure


WHARTON MAN AGE MENT PROFES SOR SAEROM (Ronnie) Lee has a word of warning for aspiring entreprene­urs who envision an egalitaria­n workplace where there are no bosses and every employee ranks the same.

According to his latest research, startups with flat organizati­onal structures often fail.

“Although many entreprene­urs dislike the notion of hierarchic­al structure and managers, they ultimately do need managers, and do need to plan ahead and design the appropriat­e hierarchic­al structure way earlier than they think,” he told the Wharton Business Daily show on SiriusXM.

In his study titled “The Myth of the Flat Startup: Reconsider­ing the Organizati­onal Structure of Startups,” Lee pushes back against the popular YLHZ WKDW åUPV HVSHFLDOO\ new ventures, work best ZLWKRXW PDQDJHUV VWLaeLQJ creativity and getting in the ZD\ RI SURJUHVV +H VDLG LWÖV only natural for founders at the beginning of their journey to get caught up in the excitement of generatLQJ LGHDV DQG åQGLQJ WKH ULJKW SURGXFW PDUNHW ILW

But focusing solely on the near-term will cost them down the line when having a clear delineatio­n of duties KHOSV åUPV WR VFDOH

“What many of them realize over time is that no matter how good the business idea is or how brilliant the team is, mismanagem­ent can ultimately kill WKHLU EXVLQHVV Ù /HH VDLG “Unfortunat­ely, there are many cases where startups fail simply due to the lack of management strucWXUH Ù

Lee found the most successful businesses that EHJLQ ZLWK D aeDW VWUXFWXUH usually start creating levels of management when they reach about 20 or 30 HPSOR\HHV $W WKDW VL]H good managers step in to keep order and prevent the company from descending LQWR FKDRV :LWKRXW VXSHUvisio­n, employees may lose direction, drift into endless exploratio­n, create projects WKH\ DUHQÖW FDSDEOH RI DFFRPSOLVK­LQJ DQG åJKW ZLWK HDFK RWKHU

“With no managers to keep them in line, they can start competing for projects, and these competitio­ns start to get out of control and result in conaeLFWV Ù /HH VDLG SRLQWLQJ out that male employees, who are typically the majority, tend to accumulate LQaeXHQFH LQ D SRZHU YDFXXP &RQVHTXHQWO\ WKH\ secure the most promising projects for themselves, leaving female and minority employees with lesser FRQWULEXWL­RQV

Ø:KLOH D aeDW KLHUDUFK\ can foster experiment­ation and creativity at the early stage, it can lead to dysfunctio­nal conflicts and coordinati­on failure among employees, result in employee turnover, and ultimately lead to commerFLDO IDLOXUH Ù /HH VDLG

Striking the Right Balance

Lee acknowledg­ed that LWÖV KDUG IRU HQWUHSUHQH­XUV to balance the twin pursuits of creative innovation DQG FRPPHUFLDO VXFFHVV They often realize one at the expense of the other EHFDXVH LWÖV GLIILFXOW WR achieve both at the same WLPH 0RYLHV DUH D JUHDW H[DPSOH RI WKDW $UWLVWLF åOPV UDUHO\ PDNH WKH NLQG

RI ER[ RIåFH SURåWV UDNHG in by blockbuste­rs, which are usually devoid of artisWLF YDOXH

In the study, Lee found that the trade-off between the two desired outcomes can be mitigated by adopting the right organizati­onal VWUXFWXUH 7KDWÖV ZK\ LW LV important for founders to consider what kind of hierarchy will work best, and ZKHQ WR LPSOHPHQW LW

“To commercial­ly succeed, startups need to some extent limit their HPSOR\HHVÖ FUHDWLYH IUHHdom and prevent endless H[SORUDWLRQ RI LGHDV 7KH\ also need to cull ideas diplomatic­ally without demoWLYDWL­QJ RU FUHDWLQJ FRQaeLFW among employees, who tend to get emotionall­y attached to their ideas,” Lee VDLG Ø7KLV LV HDVLHU VDLG WKDQ GRQH Ù

$V WKH\ EXLOG KLHUDUFKLc­al layers, founders may DOVR åQG LW KDUGHU WR UHWDLQ their original employees who were attracted to the job in the first place because the organizati­on was aeDW ,Q VXFK FDVHV /HH VDLG LWÖV KHOSIXO IRU IRXQGHUV WR temper employee expectatio­ns by making it clear that managers will be added as WKH åUP JURZV

The key message for entreprene­urs is to think just as much about their people as the product, especially during those heady early GD\V RI WKH EXVLQHVV

Ø%HFDXVH LWÖV YHU\ GLIåFXOW WR PDNH WKH WUDQVLWLRQ IURP D aeDW WR D KLHUarchic­al structure while busily working on ideas, entreprene­urs need to plan ahead and have a structure in mind,” Lee VDLG

In related, forthcomin­g research, Lee and his co-authors conducted D åHOG H[SHULPHQW ZLWK 8,000 job candidates to examine whether startups that advertise a flat structure in job postings attract more IHPDOH DSSOLFDQWV &RQtrary to the common belief that women prefer a flat organizati­on, as this structure would be more egalitaria­n than traditiona­l hierarchie­s and provide a healthier work-life balance, they found that advertisin­g a aeDW VWUXFWXUH GHFUHDVHV the female representa­tion in the applicant pool by

Ø)HDWXULQJ D aeDW KLHUDUchy can inadverten­tly decrease diversity at a startup and ultimately hurt performanc­e in the long run,” KH VDLG

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