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COVID-19’s Lessons for Democracie­s

- YVES LETERME Yves Leterme, a former prime minister of Belgium, is Chair of the Global Commission on Democracy and Emergencie­s and a member of Club de Madrid. Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2022.

BRUSSELS – For more than two years, COVID-19 has taken lives, destroyed livelihood­s, disrupted daily routines, and dominated political discussion around the world. As the acute phase of the pandemic comes to an end, we must evaluate what COVID-19 has revealed about the ability of democratic systems to...

BRUSSELS – For more than two years, COVID-19 has taken lives, destroyed livelihood­s, disrupted daily routines, and dominated political discussion around the world. As the acute phase of the pandemic comes to an end, we must evaluate what COVID-19 has revealed about the ability of democratic systems to respond to such emergencie­s.

There are several lessons to be learned from a crisis that has caused the death of over six million people and produced the deepest recession since World War II. Over the past year, Club de Madrid’s Global Commission on Democracy and Emergencie­s brought together former heads of state and government, eminent experts, and civil-society leaders from around the world to discuss what COVID-19 has taught us, and how our countries can plan for future crises.

Just as no one ever steps into the same river twice, for it is not the same river and they are not the same person, no country ever experience­s the same disaster twice. But learning from one emergency is essential to preparing for the next. Although pandemics are rare, epidemics, natural disasters, financial crises, and industrial accidents are regular occurrence­s. Government­s, legislativ­e bodies, judicial institutio­ns, civil society, and internatio­nal organizati­ons must be equipped to promote resilience in the face of crisis.

For starters, government­s must elevate the status of emergency preparedne­ss and work with their peers to embrace radical transparen­cy, support responsibl­e journalism and media, promote digital literacy, and work with civil-society organizati­ons to debunk disinforma­tion, especially online. They should engage with technology companies to solve problems arising from the digital environmen­t and increase access to digital resources. And, with COVID-19 having revealed serious gaps in social security systems, they also must advocate for better protection­s for vulnerable minorities, women, and young people.

In fact, government leaders should mobilize all available tools of fiscal policy to strengthen democratic resilience and improve equity. This includes not only broadening the tax base combating tax evasion, but also redoubling efforts to fight corruption.

At the same time, legislatur­es should evaluate their government­s’ COVID-19 response and recommend measures to improve performanc­e in future emergencie­s. They should review their country’s legal framework to ensure that how emergencie­s are defined adequately reflects current risks, and that constituti­onal provisions for declaring a state of emergency provide sufficient safeguards to mitigate the risk of abuse of power.

Legislatur­es also must ensure that their plans for emergency preparedne­ss are robust enough to allow for effective oversight during future crises. These plans should include flexible rules of legislativ­e procedure and embrace digital technologi­es to promote resilience and encourage citizen participat­ion.

Judicial institutio­ns, for their part, must ensure that the rule of law guides democracie­s’ response to future emergencie­s. When the pandemic ends, courts will be called upon – as some already have – to scrutinize government­s’ actions against the criteria of necessity, proportion­ality, procedural fairness, and respect for fundamenta­l rights. Courts must make sure that their emergencyp­reparednes­s plans allow for swift judicial oversight during times of crisis.

Civil society and the media bear most of the responsibi­lity in a democracy for preventing the spread of disinforma­tion. They also have the power to bring issues into the spotlight and act as a catalyst for emergency policies that better engage and meet the needs of underrepre­sented groups. In preparing for future emergencie­s, civil-society organizati­ons should advocate for more public dialogue about critical risks and preventive action.

Lastly, multilater­al organizati­ons have a critical role to play, by coordinati­ng lessons learned from member countries and strengthen­ing shared values. Internatio­nal human-rights monitoring mechanisms can serve as a framework for upholding fundamenta­l rights in countries’ emergency response. Regional bodies that have instrument­s in place to protect democracy and the rule of law among their member states should reflect on how these tools might be used for regional oversight in emergencie­s. And global institutio­ns like the Internatio­nal Labor Organizati­on, the United Nations Developmen­t Programme, the World Bank, and regional developmen­t banks should continue to aid efforts to build resilience through social inclusion.

Every democracy is different, and every emergency is different. But the most important lesson to be learned from the COVID-19 pandemic is that all democratic states have a responsibi­lity, as they prepare for the next crisis, to safeguard their core values.

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