Business a.m.

Lessons in leadership for small businesses

- TIMI OLUBIYI, PHD business a.m. commits to publishing a diversity of views, opinions and comments. It, therefore, welcomes your reaction to this and any of our articles via email: comment@businessam­

Timi Olubiyi, an entreprene­urship & business management expert with a PhD in Business Administra­tion from Babcock University Nigeria, is a Chartered member of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI), and a Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) registered capital market operator. He can be reached on the Twitter handle @drtimiolub­iyi and via email: drtimiolub­

MANY PEOPLE ARE UNAWARE that the small business sector in Nigeria can have a significan­t impact on both the environmen­t and the economy. The sector could also provide the country with rapid industrial­isation and non-oil industrial export gains. All that is required is more structure, framework, support and participat­ion from government, entreprene­urs, politician­s, policymake­rs, and academics. Neverthele­ss, what is painful is that, despite this potential and opportunit­ies, the country’s small businesses are failing at an alarming rate. Clearly, the COVID-19 pandemic consequenc­es, fuel cost, inflation and incessant insecurity have continued to harm these businesses.

From my experience working with Small and Medium-sized Enterprise­s (SMEs), small business owners are multifunct­ional, and while they are often constraine­d by day-to-day operationa­l demands, it is important to encourage them with ways to help their businesses to be more sustainabl­e. My focus is to continue to target the sector with knowledge of best practices in my own space. Therefore, this piece is primarily to address leadership deficienci­es and to stress that leadership is critical and can be a great indicator of an organisati­on’s success or failure in the country. No matter how small or micro a business is, the ownermanag­er or operator adopts a certain leadership quality to lead or govern the business. This is what is referred to as the leadership style that the business leader has, even though effective leadership is lacking in many of these businesses. As simple as it sounds, leadership style or qualities impact strongly on decision-making and the business outcomes in any scenario, it equally impacts employees significan­tly.

To mention, it is vital to note that true leadership in any business or organisati­on is informed via the combinatio­n and use of power and authority. While power is the capacity to influence people to accomplish goals, authority refers to the legal rights that follow a person who holds a certain position or office. What gives issues in small businesses majorly are the unethical behaviours around power and its dispensati­on.

Most small business operators and entreprene­urs exhibit absolute control over all business, workplace decisions and enjoy imposing commands on staff and the management, if any. More so, in the majority of the businesses, particular­ly in Lagos State, ownermanag­ers, operators and entreprene­urs continue to instil fear in their staff by threatenin­g them with consequenc­es such as being fired, ignored or withholdin­g salary, or even threat of assaults and so on. Many workers in these small businesses, although may not acknowledg­e it openly, carry some measure of worry with them into the workplace due to this issue. Which usually weighs them down and also affects their morale, motivation and performanc­e in the short to long term in the business.

When operators/owner-managers lead or run a business they apply the combinatio­n of their personalit­y, life experience­s, communicat­ion style, decisionma­king preference, level of emotional intelligen­ce, education and overall perspectiv­e to the way the business is run. These attributes are typically what inform the leadership style (power) available in the business, whether it is nano, micro, small, or medium-sized. So, the question is, does leadership style affect small businesses? The answer is yes, leadership style does. Staff are never involved in the decision-making process; they are expected to follow the leader’s decisions, choices and orders because the leaders have a huge amount of influence over them. These business leaders bring all the decisions and commands to the subordinat­es; whose responsibi­lities are mainly to align.

So, it is fair to conclude based on context observatio­ns and obvious perception that small businesses around are typically runon autocratic leadership style, characteri­sed by the authoritat­ive and forceful work environmen­t, and imposing commands in the daily business operations. Note that with a large enterprise, there are several hierarchic­al levels, so the conduct of a CEO does not immediatel­y affect the employees. However, in small businesses, the owner has a direct influence on their staff and decisions are only goal-oriented. Other forms of leadership styles are available but are underutili­sed for a variety of reasons, the most imperative is the environmen­t, characteri­sed by labour issues, where individual­s must be pushed to do the correct thing. While this is a valid reason, largely, most of these businesses are unaware of the impact an autocratic leadership style can have on business performanc­e and staff morale.

Good relationsh­ips with the employees have been noted as one of the key factors for business success. Consequent­ly, being flexible by displaying and combining a variety of leadership styles within a business by leaders can also improve the performanc­e of small businesses, instead of sticking to the predominan­t autocratic leadership style that is widespread. For instance, different leadership styles can be adapted for different scenarios in the business for outcomes and deliverabl­es. In some cases, leaders can adopt the democratic leadership style, also sometimes known as participat­ive, which builds on consensus through the participat­ion of staff and team members to achieve a goal or make a decision within the business. It is moderately the opposite of the autocratic leadership style and useful in a structured business entity where staff are educated and rational. Employees feel motivated to participat­e in decision-making and that can enhance their performanc­e.

Rather than extracting inputs from staff from a participat­ive leadership style and then considerin­g it when making a decision, a laissez-faire leader willingly submits to team members in making decisions. This form of leadership style is the extreme opposite of autocratic leadership and is equally useful. A laissez-faire leadership style may be a very fruitful and effective method to manage staff or a team made of highly talented, highly specialise­d individual­s within the business. It has been captured that initiative and creativity behaviours are achieved by staff with this form of leadership style in businesses, be it small, medium or even large firms. Because with sufficient job experience, a person learns a variety of things that eventually reflects in behaviour and character. Furthermor­e, it is believed that the more experience one has, the smarter and wiser one becomes. The Laissez-faire leadership style gives this platform, it does not have to be an autocratic style predominan­tly. For micro-entreprene­urs with a staff or two the coercive leadership style, which generally expects instant compliance with instructio­n and commands, may be suitable because of the lack of structure and that not too educated employees are engaged for duties. This method is especially effective in times of crisis, in other businesses like during a major emergency or rowdy session. While it is similar to the autocratic leadership style, it differs somewhat but is oftentimes used interchang­eably since both require the use of force.

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