Business a.m.

Optimising your impact as a leader, Prof. Delves tells C-Suite executives how


How can leaders build their brand, and why is this important for their organisati­on?

Leaders develop their brand best by being authentic (so that their brand is genuine) and by being consistent (so that they deliver their brand regardless of situation or circumstan­ce). Being authentic means being your real or true self the whole time at work. That true self should allow a high degree of transparen­cy, meaning that people can see the values that guide you, the purpose that guides you, and can see these values and this purpose UHaeHFWHG LQ KRZ \RX OLYH \RXU OLIH day to day. Your team members should also see your authenticL­W\ UHaeHFWHG LQ WKH GHFLVLRQV \RX make and in the consistenc­y of your decision-making - you make decisions that are congruent with your values and purpose and not simply situation dependent. The likes of Tony Elumelu, Obafemi Awolowo and Ahmadu Bello are fantastic examples of leaders who have built their brands and unlocked strategic value for their organisati­ons and nation.

Why is psychologi­cal safety important in organisati­ons?

Without psychologi­cal safety, people do not feel able to join LQ GLIåFXOW FRQYHUVDWL­RQV VD\ RU hear what must be said or heard. Nor do they feel safe failing, so they don’t try the sort of new things that might make a real difference. Psychologi­cal safety is at the heart of successful teams because without this sense of security, it is hard for team members to engage with the team’s work, and unengaged team members will never work with the applicatio­n and attitude of engaged team members. This sense of safety also allows team members to feel that they can be themselves within the team - and that too helps them work to the best effect. Team members who do not feel that they can safely be themselves within a team will never work with the same applicatio­n or aptitude as team members who feel free to be their authentic selves at work. Psychologi­cal safety could lead to a culture of humility and respect and enhance the organisati­ons’ capability to adapt, innovate and be agile. Organisati­ons can enhance their psychologi­cal safety by investing in executive developmen­t programmes such as that of TEXEM, the UK, on situationa­l awareness, addressing all forms of biases through self-awareness and ethical leadership.

How can leaders optimise their impact?

Same as above: by being authentic consistent­ly. By having values and a purpose that is transparen­t and worthy and living to those values and purpose regardless of situation or circumstan­ce day in and day out. Teams want to be well-led and want their leaders to be trusted and great leaders who are excellent at inspiring and motivating the team. Therefore, team members will work hard to help a leader who is evidently working hard to be the very best leader that they can be. In contrast, team members led by a leader who is self-interested rather than fundamenta­lly driven by the team’s interests and the organisati­on will never have the trust in that leader that is necessary if the team optimises its performanc­e. The key for a leader to consistent­ly make a positive difference is to embrace a growth mindset, be self-aware, constantly explore self-renewal and enshrine the principle of lifelong learning.

How can leaders enhance their teams’ impact?

Teams need a clear sense of vision, mission, and purpose, clear goals which are stated and then not changed, and a culture that is positive and which offers safety to all. Leaders must constantly model the culture that they want the team to live in, and leaders must organise their own time so that they have the time to invest in the people they lead. For teams to maximise their impact, they have to create high achieving cultures, and this means that both the leader and the team members must have the available time to invest in relationsh­ip building. Leaders should invest their time in team building, creating places of psychologi­cal safety, developing a coaching culture, and all the other intangible but time-consuming things that go into building highperfor­ming teams genuinely.

In these times of uncertaint­y, how can leaders optimise their organisati­onal performanc­e?

Offer Vision, Understand­ing, Clarity and Agility to combat Volatility, Uncertaint­y, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA and the antidote)

Why should executives attend this forthcomin­g TEXEM programme?

First, to explore ideas that work, like those outlined here. Time spent in personal developmen­t, exploring new ideas, understand­ing them, and understand­ing how to apply them to the workplace, is never wasted. The PRVW FRVW DQG WLPH HIåFLHQW ZD\ for organisati­ons to improve is by doing more and doing better with their resources. Developing leaders in ways that will allow those leaders to build their teams into high-performing teams is an excellent example of how to do more with what you have. TEXEM’s impressive research of topics and her effective methodolog­y assure that executive developmen­t programmes are fun, actionable and impactful. Also, the design of this programme, Strategic Leadership for optimised performanc­e in an era of uncertaint­y. The TEXEM design of this forthcomin­g programme comprises selfstudy and live engaging sessions WKDW DUH aeH[LEOH DQG HQVXUH WKDW executives can learn and still work. The following testimonia­ls from previous delegates, which is available on TEXEM’s website, FRQåUP WKH TXDOLW\ DQG WKH YDOXH of their executive developmen­t programme.


“It’s a very insightful and worthy programme on Leadership and Executive Management. It has opened my eyes to understand­ing that you also have to be an effective follower to be an effective leader. I need to surround myself with people better than me and learn from them.”

TEXEM delegate, Hakeem Muri-Okunola, Lagos State, Head of Service.

Ø,WÖV WKH åUVW WLPH ,ÖP GRLQJ D programme in Nigeria, and it’s DFWXDOO\ YHU\ LQWHUHVWLQ­J 7KH åUVW thing I liked about it is the diversity of the participan­ts and the quality of the network. I also like the edgy conversati­ons we had with Christian and Dr Alim Abubakre. It’s quite thought-provoking”. EfåRQJ 2NRQ 2SHUDWLRQV 'LUHFWRU Seplat

“The programme is an excellent one, it’s a world-class Institute, looking at the quality of materials, the quality of the Facilitato­rs, I think it’s a world-class programme. It could be anywhere in the world, and it’s a good standard.” Previous TEXEM delegate, Glory O. Idehen, Head of E-Training, C.B.N.

For more informatio­n, visit the website or email or call +44 7425 883791

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