Business Day (Nigeria)

Tips for safe use of apple cider vinegar


Research says that apple cider vinegar may have several health benefits. However, consuming too much vinegar can cause unwanted effects.

Over the last few years, cleansing diets have been growing steadily in popularity. One example of a detox diet involves using apple cider vinegar — an amber-colored vinegar made from cider or apple must.

Supporters of the apple cider vinegar (ACV) detox say it helps with weight loss, removal of toxins from the body, and blood sugar regulation. Despite many anecdotal success stories, little scientific evidence exists to support these claims.

According to a 2016 report, several studies indicate that vinegars, including apple cider vinegar, have the potential to help treat a range of conditions, including obesity, heart disease, cancer, and bacterial infections.

However, there is little research on the most healthful way to consume vinegar and how much to take.

In particular, very few studies have explored the potential side effects or complicati­ons of regularly consuming vinegar.

In this article is culled from Medical New Today, discuss possible adverse effects of using apple cider vinegar as a remedy and give some tips about how to do it safely.

A person is more likely to experience side effects if they regularly consume large quantities of undiluted vinegar or leave it on the skin for long periods.

To lower the risk of un- wanted effects, try:

Reduce the quantity of vinegar consumed

Reduce the amount of time that vinegar touches the skin

Dilute the vinegar with water or using it as an ingredient

Limit contact with the teeth, such as by drinking the vinegar through a straw

A 2016 report, found that people may be able to achieve many of the potential health benefits by drinking around 15 millilitre­s of vinegar a day or any quantity that contains around 750 milligrams of acetic acid.

However, because of the lack of research into side effects and long-term safety, further moderation may be the best approach.

People with digestive issues, low potassium levels, or diabetes should consider speaking to a doctor before consuming apple cider vinegar.

Anyone who experience­s severe side effects should consult a medical profession­al.

Consuming apple cider vinegar has become a popular health trend. Some evidence suggests that vinegar may help with a range of health issues, but scientists need to carry out more research to verify and understand these findings.

Apple cider vinegar can cause side effects. For example, applying undiluted vinegar to the skin for long periods can lead to burns and irritation. Regularly consuming large quantities of the vinegar, especially in an undiluted form, may cause digestive issues, damage the teeth, and affect potassium levels.

Anyone who experience­s severe side effects after using apple cider vinegar should seek medical care.

People with certain health conditions may wish to speak to a doctor before consuming apple cider vinegar for medicinal purposes.

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