Business Day (Nigeria)

Buhari and growing unbelief in Nigeria


It was to be expected President Buhari would promise to tackle insecurity, fight corruption and grow Nigeria’s economy during his second-term in office. These have been the standard promises at the start of all presidenti­al terms since 1999. What is different for me personally this time is my complete lack of belief the incoming president, in this case Buhari, will make significan­t headway on any of these issues. This despite the fact I placed significan­t hope in a Buhari presidency back in 2015.

Likewise, when first Yar’adua and later Jonathan assumed the presidency, I felt a momentary surge of optimism about Nigeria’s future. Today, I can’t even pretend to believe a second-term Buhari government will be able to turn things around in this troubled nation. It is not that I don’t want to believe things will change for the better in these next four years, it is that I can’t believe. Sometimes, you may really want to believe a thing but find yourself unable to. Hence, there are atheists today who used to be devout Christians or Muslims.

It would be no problem if only I and a few other malcontent­s felt this

way about Nigeria’s immediate future. Problem is, hardly anyone I know seems to expect much of a secondterm Buhari presidency, including folks who just voted to re-elect him. This is less connected to Buhari’s person than to a generally increasing pessimism regarding Nigeria’s future. Growing insecurity, mass unemployme­nt, rising living costs, the visible multiplica­tion of poverty all around, an economy clearly not working for the overwhelmi­ng majority and the seeming determinat­ion of a political class to remain unfazed by all this, is taking its psychologi­cal toll. Small wonder a 2017 Pew Research survey revealed 3-in-4 Nigerians - 74% - would emigrate given the opportunit­y, a much higher figure than in Kenya (54%), Senegal (46%) or Tanzania (43%). Citizens of the “Giant of Africa” now find their country more unbearable than Kenyans, Tanzanians and Senegalese find theirs. It is difficult to cite a more damning indictment of the Nigerian reality.

There is now a resignatio­n in the air I’ve never felt quite so palpably among usually incurably optimistic Nigerians. Personally, I have often felt frustratio­n at the stubborn “E go better” philosophy of Nigerians even when there seemed no rational basis for it. In fact, I have long believed the greatest ally of the country’s do-little political class is the willingnes­s of the average Nigerian to accept the present as is on the assumption a brighter future is surely to be. That, just like the biblical Israelites, we are somehow pre-ordained to reach a Promised Land after our equivalent 40 years in the desert. That Nigeria’s present is but a difficult phase that will inevitably pass. Hope requires no evidence to believe tomorrow holds more promise than today.

But while I still don’t believe successful countries are built on hope alone, I also know they have never been built in the absence of hope, bereft a popular sentiment in society that the country can work. I’m not talking about mechanical­ly regurgitat­ing in public patriotic-sounding platitudes about Nigeria’s great “potential”, I am talking about truly believing deep down in your bones that the country can actually be made to work. If the players in a football team no longer truly believe it can win, that team is doomed. Sure, the players will turn up for training, they’ll play matches, they’ll pass the ball around and insist they believe in victory, but deep down, none of them truly will, and you will never get one hundred percent from any of them because all they are really doing is just going through the motions. Privately, they’ll be on the constant lookout for transfer opportunit­ies. Just like the 3-in-4 Nigerians who would emigrate tomorrow if they could. Irrespecti­ve declaratio­ns to the contrary, most Nigerians no longer believe Nigeria is redeemable.

Worse, this belief does not belong only to those struggling financiall­y but is shared by Nigeria’s elites. Remember the Rotimi Amaechi audio-recording that was leaked during the recent presidenti­al campaign? We heard one of Nigeria’s most prominent politician­s tell his friends: “This country cannot change…this country is going nowhere.” Make no mistake; bar a few authentic true believers in project Nigeria, this is how most Nigerians, rich and poor, feel about the country

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