Business Day (Nigeria)

Boris Johnson isn’t Donald Trump, he’s Ronald Reagan

The UK prime minister’s sunny optimism brings to mind ‘Morning in America’


From the moment the British political elite realised that Boris Johnson might end up running their country, there has been a mad scrum by politician­s and journalist­s to undermine his reputation and his career. Their latest line of attack is to say he is just like US president Donald Trump.

Having known the new UK PM on-and-off for more than three decades, and having observed Mr Trump during those same years, the comparison is laughable, inaccurate, and malicious.

Let’s start with personal presentati­on. One has been on first name terms with the entire UK since serving as London mayor. Nobody in America would dare call the other “Donald”.

One rattles off lines from great literature and has the vocabulary of an Oxford don. The other, not so much.

True, both individual­s have personalit­ies so large that they overshadow their policies. Both have taken positions that contradict previously drawn red lines. And both have survived and thrived politicall­y despite the doom and gloom of their detractors.

But that’s where the similariti­es end.

I have conducted focus groups in the US and UK for 30 years. Mr Johnson is singularly the most difficult politician to label or categorise because there really isn’t anyone like him on either side of the Atlantic. Trump voters say the president speaks like them and for them. Nobody in the UK thinks Mr Johnson

speaks like they do, and that’s his advantage. They think he’s better — better than them, and better than the career politician­s.

Politicall­y, both men appeal to populist-leaning voters, but again, that’s where the similarity ends. Whereas Mr Trump is visceral and rooted in the here-and-now, Mr Johnson is intellectu­al, effortless­ly traversing history to make his case. And while Mr Johnson is not above the occasional attack or insult (which, as often as not, backfires), his message has a much more positive, hopeful, uplifting tone. He is one of the most effective speakers of our time.

The correct US analogue for Boris Johnson is not Donald Trump. It’s Ronald Reagan.

The limitless optimism that Reagan spoke of in the 1980s as “Morning in America” could just as easily be articulate­d today by Mr Johnson. Much of his Brexit messaging wasn’t anti-europe. It was pro-uk. He talked about restoring the strength and confidence that last existed when Reagan and Margaret Thatcher together ruled the free world. And as he himself has said, if he can rise as far as he’s come, so can anyone.

On a personal level, I have never met someone in politics who is so obviously talented and surprising­ly humble, yet so underestim­ated and dismissed by his critics because he doesn’t conform to their expectatio­ns. There is only one Boris Johnson. He is the same in private as he is in public — and that hasn’t changed since we met during our days at Oxford.

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