Business Day (Nigeria)

Abuja residents to access basic health services as FCTA launches BHCPF


Residents of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja are now eligible to be enrolled to access the Basic Minimum Package of Health Services Programme of the Federal Government.

This followed the launching of the Basic Health Care Provision Fund (BHCPF), an interventi­on by the Federal Government to improve health outcomes in the country by the Federal Capital Territory Administra­tion (FCTA).

These services include free Ante Natal Delivery and Post Natal Care for all pregnant women, im

munization, Malaria, Pneumonia, Measles and Dysentery treatments for Children under Five Years and Malaria Treatment, Screening for Hypertensi­on Diabetes and Family Planning.

Chinyeaka Ohaa, FCT Permanent Secretary at the launched of BHCPF in Abuja, said the plan was to support delivery of primary health services and provision of Basic Minimum Package of Health Services (BMPS).

Ohaa explained that the fund also covers emergency medical treatment through adequate and sustainabl­e funding that will be efficientl­y and equitably used to provide health services thereby ensuring financial risk protection in accessing quality health services for all Nigerians, particular­ly, the poor and most vulnerable.

“You all will agree that this programme will go a long way in meeting some of the basic health challenges confrontin­g our people but which have proven very costly indeed in terms of lives lost and altered irreparabl­y”, he stated.

In his remarks, Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Health, Abdulaziz Abdullahi said the initiative was in line with the present administra­tion’s commitment to universal health coverage, adding that the approach is consistent with broader national goals as espoused in the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP).

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