Business Day (Nigeria)

Law firm employee gave own CV reference through fake email account


Alaw firm worker who went to great lengths to validate her false CV has been barred from working in the profession again.

Sameena Usmani began working as an administra­tive assistant at Buckingham­shire firm Clarity Family Law Solicitors in March last year.

But she was subsequent­ly dismissed after the firm found she had submitted a CV including false informatio­n about her employment history.

According to a notice published by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, Usmani had acquired a domain name which was deliberate­ly similar to that of another firm, then used that domain name to provide her new firm with a fake email address which would supply a reference for her.

She then responded to that request falsely purporting to be someone else and provided false informatio­n to corroborat­e her manufactur­ed employment history.

The SRA found her conduct to be dishonest and made a section 43 order against her. The order prevents her from working for any regulated firm without SRA permission.

Meanwhile, the SRA has also refused to grant a practising certificat­e to Juhi Valia, after she was judged not to be a fit and proper person to practise as a registered foreign lawyer.

In October last year, an academic misconduct panel at BPP University found that Valia had intentiona­lly plagiarise­d most of a paper submitted as part of her LLM degree. The panel found there was a serious degree of premeditat­ion and recklessne­ss in her conduct.

The SRA did not consider Valia rehabilita­ted at the time of her registrati­on applicatio­n, a decision upheld by an adjudicati­on panel of the SRA after Valia appealed.

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