Business Day (Nigeria)

Maltina teacher of the year to get school named after Him in his village


It was a rollover of good things for Collins Ezem, announced Maltina Teacher of the Year 2019 as the management of his school, Royal Family Academy, Wuye in Abuja has decided to pass on the classroom block attached to the prize. At a celebrator­y session in honour of the winner and other staff of the school, RFA management announced that the classroom block and other facilities attached to the prize would be better appreciate­d in Mr. Ezem’s village where a school should be founded and named after him.

The proprietre­ss of the school, Pastor Sarah Omakwu who had earlier lauded Mr Ezem for his exemplary qualities, explained that though the school was most appreciati­ve of the gesture, students at Royal Family Academy already had the structures in place and so would like to give other Nigerian children the opportunit­y of attending a well-built school complete with a well-stocked library and toilet facilities, the type planned by NBL. She said such a gesture would make everybody at RFA most glad.

This is indeed a good turn of events. Not even the organisers, Nigerian Breweries Plc. could have seen this coming. But a good thing can only keep on giving. Corporate Social Impact appreciate­s this selfless gesture on the part of Royal Family Academy. We are confident that other better heeled schools would keep looking for appropriat­e ways to impact their immediate and remote environmen­ts to the end that Nigeria becomes a place brimming with quality schools everywhere.

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