Business Day (Nigeria)

How we’ll utilise donations to LSSTF - Sanwo-olu


As corporate bodies and individual­s continue their donation to the Lagos State Security Trust Fund ( LSSTF), the state governor, Babajid SanwoOlu has promised judicious utilisatio­n of cash and kind donations to fight crimes and keep Lagos safe for residents and businesses.

The latest donation to the LSSTF came from Airtel Nigeria, a mobile telecommun­ication operator. A delegation from Airtel led by Segun Ogunsanya, its managing director, was at the Government House, Ikeja, to hand over their donations, comprising mobile phones, undisclose­d sum of money, SIM cards, recharge cards. The items in kind are to be distribute­d to security operatives engaged by the state to fight crime.

Airtel management had during a private dinner organised by the LSSTF two months ago, pledged to donate in support of security operations in the state.

Sanwo- Olu, who received the donations, promised to further strengthen security across the state to justify the various donations being made to the LSSTF by individual­s and corporate bodies.

He assured that his government would spare no effort in protecting the lives of residents and corporate assets within the state. According to him, the provision of security in nooks and crannies of Lagos was among the top priorities in the effort to make Lagos 21st century- compliant economy.

He described the gesture as “a huge boost” for security in the state. He said the fulfillmen­t of the promises made by Airtel was an indication of the telecoms firm’s integrity and readiness to be a partner in government’s drive towards creating thriving environmen­t for commerce.

“On behalf of the entire people of Lagos, I humbly receive this cash donation, which will greatly boost our capacity to respond to security challenges. It is very cheap to make promises but it takes great courage to fulfill the pledges. Airtel has further proven its integrity by coming back to fulfill the promises it made two months ago.

“This is keeping faith with our government and a demonstrat­ion that LSSTF is making huge impact. We will continue to justify the confidence of donors, whether individual­s or corporate organisati­ons, by deploying the resources judiciousl­y and transparen­tly.

By making this donation, Airtel has demonstrat­ed to be a partner in our drive to keep Lagos safe. It has also shown that it is a responsibl­e corporate citizen dischargin­g its civic responsibi­lities without being prodded.”

Sanwo- Olu observed that security issues had recently dominated his conversati­on with members of the public and the media, pledging that his administra­tion would not rest on its oars in making the state safe for business and living.

He restated on- going plans by the government to introduce technology in combating crime, while also disclosing that the donors’ funds would be deployed to build Data and Control Centre to enable security agencies analyse crimes and security incidents.

Sanwo-olu also commended the mobile telecommun­ication operator for adopting Oremeji Primary School in Ajegunle for total renovation. He described the gesture as “complement­ary,” pointing out that the government had since begun the renovation of basic and secondary schools across the state.

Ogunsanya on his part assured that Airtel will always partner with the Lagos government towards socio-economic growth of the state.

The LSSTF establishe­d during the administra­tion of Babatunde Fashola 13 years ago, has since its inception invested excess of N23 billion in security architectu­re of Nigeria’s populous city of Lagos. It has been emulated by other states, especially in South-west Nigeria.

 ??  ?? Lola Akande (l), commission­er for Commerce, Industry and Cooperativ­es, Lagos State, and Oladele Ajayi (m), special adviser on Commerce, Industry Cooperativ­es, inspecting exhibition stand during the 4th edition of Lagos MSME Fair held at Agege Stadium on Friday
Lola Akande (l), commission­er for Commerce, Industry and Cooperativ­es, Lagos State, and Oladele Ajayi (m), special adviser on Commerce, Industry Cooperativ­es, inspecting exhibition stand during the 4th edition of Lagos MSME Fair held at Agege Stadium on Friday

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