Business Day (Nigeria)

Finding solution to menace of pipeline explosion and crude oil theft


Precisely on December 5, 2019, Nigerians woke up to witness the ugly scene of another disastrous pipeline explosion ravaging Idimu, a suburb of Lagos. That was not the first time such a thing had happened in that axis but the fourth time within a space of one year.

Last year, there was fire outbreak twice in this area. In February and April last year, and this year alone, in November and December, according to the chief operating officer, Downstream, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporatio­n (NNPC), Adetunji Adeyemi.

The NNPC described the area as a place that is very prone to fire and vandalism. It claimed it is doing everything possible to ensure there is security and adequate maintenanc­e in terms of pipeline integrity. “We are also appealing to the residents here, the community leaders and religious leaders to ensure that they also protect the pipelines”, Adetunji said.

He further said: “Truly, the pipelines are Nigeria’s assets and we must protect them as Nigerians. Like they say, security is for everybody, so when you see something, say something and not doing so has its own consequenc­es on everybody.

“But when we look at the situation holistical­ly, the Nigerian landscape is replete with the devastatin­g effect of incessant crude oil and products pipeline fire explosion with its attendant consequenc­es that has caused economic and social dislocatio­n to both the country and individual­s.”

The immediate and remote causes of oil theft and pipeline vandalism, according to stakeholde­rs are essentiall­y a social problem which underlying causes include: poverty in the communitie­s, community-industry expectatio­n mismatch and corruption.

Others include ineffectiv­e law enforcemen­t, poor governance, poor prosecutio­n of offenders, high unemployme­nt rate in the communitie­s, thriving illegal oil market involving both Nigerians and foreigners, and inadequate funding of resources to combat oil theft.

Nigeria lost as much as 22 million barrels of oil to theft in the first half of this year, a problem that is a threat to the country’s economy. The stolen oil amounts to more than 120,000 barrels per day (bpd), or roughly 6 percent of Nigeria’s nearly 2 million bpd output.

Between 2010 and 2012, total of 2,787 lines breaks were reported on pipelines belonging to the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporatio­n (NNPC), resulting in a loss of 157.81 metric tons of petroleum products worth about N12.53bilion. Pipeline along the Gombe axis recorded 850 cases and Kaduna system recorded 571 cases of pipeline vandalism. The pipeline along Warri axis recorded 548 cases vandalism while Mosimi system pipelines in Lagos recorded 463 cases and Port Harcourt recorded lesser cases with 336 point vandalised (NNPC, 2016).

Recently, the Edo State Governor and Chairman of the National Economic Council (NEC) Ad Hoc Committee on Crude Oil Theft, Prevention and Control, Godwin Obaseki, stressed the need to institute a proper governance structure for pipeline security in the industry.

Governor Obaseki called on the Nigeria Intelligen­ce Agency (NIA) to work with the NNPC in identifyin­g possible internatio­nal markets and destinatio­ns of stolen Nigerian crude oil.

He said that the industry must end the prevailing incentives that make it possible for crude oil theft and pipeline vandalism to flourish.

The governor disclosed that NEC had upgraded the Ad Hoc Committee on Crude Theft to a standing committee with mandate to provide regular updates to NEC as may be required.

All over the world, there are pipelines that are under the surface. Pipelines can be buried deep but the cost is around four to five times what it will be to put pipeline on the surface. With that, money that could be used for other developmen­ts would be sunk into burying pipelines. This would not be too good for the nation’s developmen­t.

The effect of the activities of the pipeline vandals has far reaching economic, social, health and environmen­tal implicatio­ns on the Nigerian people than the pecuniary gains that would be accruing to those who engage in such unwholesom­e activity.

Apart from the serious economic losses recorded owing to the fact that the vandals sell whatever product or crude oil stolen at a rate that is far below the market price, the revenue realised is not captured by the government; the pipelines are also damaged and the government would ultimately have to spend money to repair them because either products or crude oil must flow to get to either the depots or export terminals.

The effect on land degradatio­n and deforestat­ion is massive as vegetation­s in those areas that experience oil spills may take several years of rehabilita­tion before they can grow again. Most vegetation­s in the areas affected often turn white and dry and are prone to fire should there be any spark anywhere. The situation is worse if they are close to residentia­l areas like the one that happened recently in Lagos. The source of water in those areas is contaminat­ed and the land also is exposed to erosion when the rains fall.

On health ground, it effects cannot be quantify as many diseases that are ravaging some of the prone areas like Niger Delta have been attributed to effect of pipeline vandalism. The thick smoke resulting from the explosion leads to acid rain. There is also air pollution which is major contributo­r to the rising case of cancer in the country. All these are enough reasons for people to desist from pipeline vandalism.

It is therefore, heartwarmi­ng to learn that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporatio­n (NNPC) has forged a formidable alliance with some key stakeholde­rs in the downstream sector of the Petroleum Industry with a view to stamping out the ugly incidences of oil pipeline vandalism while ultimately sustaining the prevailing sanity in the supply and distributi­on of Petroleum Products across the country.

Salmon Oladiti, National Chairman of Petroleum Tanker Drivers branch of the Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG), affirmed the commitment of his members to work with NNPC to combat the activities of oil thieves and pipeline hackers.

He said PTD prohibited its members from partaking in the illicit transport of stolen products because it views it as an act of economic sabotage.

To curb this menace, stakeholde­rs have given clues to measures that should be put in place to include: a security architectu­re with single accountabi­lity for national critical infrastruc­ture; Industry and regulatory commitment to transparen­t crude oil and products accounting; realistic expectatio­n by host communitie­s; and emplacemen­t of sustainabl­e social investment mechanism.

There is also the need to inculcate shared values of integrity and transparen­cy across every level of the governance structure for pipeline security, policy refill and enforcemen­t of legal actions on economic saboteurs. Anything short of these would make the fight against this malaise a tough battle to fight.

 ??  ?? Pipeline vandalism remains a crime in Nigeria
Pipeline vandalism remains a crime in Nigeria

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