Business Day (Nigeria)

The CCTV; miracle or magic?

- With Rev. Yomi Kasali

Isat somewhere in my office and watched some of the proceeding­s at my reception and church premises with keen interest. I could see what was happening all around me over several CCTV cameras from the comfort of my office away from the control room.

However, the fact that

I could see people that were not aware of my watching them Inspired me deeply and caused me to meditate on the similariti­es between CCTV and our God in Heaven. There are so many ways that technology has proven the Bible right and the things we read daily as possible. Over the years, people have often wondered how this Great God could have the whole earth under His watch always but now we can confidentl­y see the possibilit­y with technologi­cal advancemen­ts in our world.

Let me Inspire you today with this scripture in 2 Chron. 16 v 9, ‘For the EYES OF THE LORD runs to and fro throughout the earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect towards Him...’ This is an amazing passage in the Bible that spoke about our Father watching everyone around the whole earth to support, defend, protect and prosper those who love Him dearly, yet some sceptics want to believe that the Bible is archaic while they believe technology is believable and not the Bible. I say, that is rather laughable.

I recall watching my guard doing some things that was unprofessi­onal without him knowing because he momentaril­y forgot about the CCTVS. We are all like that at times and convenient­ly forget that God is watching us all. 4 ways to prove the omniscienc­e of God

God sees all things: The Bible tells us that all things are ‘naked’ before the eyes of the Lord and nothing is hidden before Him with whom we have to deal (Heb. 4 v 13). We should know that He sees everything and all of us just like the CCTV monitors in front of me and the people did not know I was watching them all the while they were waiting to see me.

God defends the righteous: The Lord will not let certain things happen to His loved ones because He sees ahead of us and He will not let us walk into dangerous waters and take us out of harms way. Like a loving Father, He will not let the robberies happening a few streets away take our lives; He will redirect our paths and defend the righteous always.

Nothing shakes and shocks God: There are no ‘accidents’ or ‘surprises’ with God because of the CCTV effect. There is no way someone outside my office will surprise me when they come inside because I am very much aware of their being outside and for how long. It is very clear that nothing happens by accident with God and He is not surprised by certain events in earth.

God knows how long we have been waiting for him: Someone came into my office once and lied to me that she has been waiting for quite a while outside at the reception. I laughed within me and subtly corrected her without making her feel very bad. She didn’t know I knew precisely when she walked into my office and how long she had waited. God knows how long we have been waiting for Him and He will call us in when He is ready for us. Let us be patient with God.

I hope you have been Inspired by this piece; look up and know that God is aware of what and where you are. Remember the CCTV idea is as old as the earth but just manifested through technologi­cal advancemen­t in this age.

Drop me a note of acknowledg­ment and encouragem­ent.

Be Inspired!

Rev Yomi Kasali is Senior Pastor, Foundation of Truth Assembly (FOTA), Surulere, Lagos.

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