Business Day (Nigeria)

DPR vows to achieve govt. mandate on crude production, cost, others


The Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) has said it would work assiduousl­y with the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Timipre Sylva, to achieve the country’s target of reducing the cost of oil production and increasing the daily production from two million to three million barrels per day. The department said it would align its deliverabl­es with the ministeria­l mandate for the oil and gas sector in Nigeria. The director listed other ministeria­l deliverabl­es as, eradicatio­n of smuggling of petroleum products across Nigerian borders, complete gas flare commercial­isation programme, promote the passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill, increase domestic refining capacity and create jobs for Nigerian youths. Ahmad Rufai Shakur, acting, director of Petroleum Resources, stated this at the agency’s Strategic Management Retreat in Abuja. He emphasised that the objective of the retreat was to cascade down the ministeria­l mandate to all staff of the Agency to enable DPR provide the necessary regulatory oversight for the oil and gas sector and achieve the next level agenda of government. He said that the strategic management retreat will further assist the DPR to sustain the tempo of ongoing reforms in the Agency which is geared towards aligning with the Agency’s vision of being a world class regulatory agency. He tasked the top management of the agency to ensure total alignment of their divisions and zones to the ministeria­l deliverabl­es as it has been embedded into the DPR’S corporate strategy Timipre Sylva, Minister of State, Petroleum Resources, who was the Special Guest of Honor, commended DPR for the retreat initiative. He stated that there must be a shared vision by all players in the industry for progress to be achieved. The Minister enjoined the department to swing into action as he has dubbed year 2020 the year to deliver and begin the actualisat­ion of the oil and gas industry roadmap.

 ??  ?? Timipre Sylva
Timipre Sylva

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