Business Day (Nigeria)

Be a midwife!


spired my prayers is found in Exodus 1 v 15-16, dreams.

So many of the great Bible characters had Midwives in their lives, people who helped them emerge to produce the heroes we know them to be today. It’s not only the Holy Spirit that produced these great men in the Bible, God also used other people to bring the best out of those we celebrate today. I pray God will also make me a Midwife to someone’s dream and help birth other people’s ideas, not steal them as they do in the world.

5 Great bible destiny helpers (midwives)

Mordecai produced esther: Let me start with one of the greatest Bible Heroines of all times. Queen Esther that was used mightily by God to deliver Israel from the ‘would have been holocaust’ of their age. Let me inspire you with the real Hero of the story, a man called Mordecai, who mentored and coached this First Lady to become bold, fearless and courageous in delivering her people. Mordecai was the Midwife who birthed a Mordecai today and produce an Esther.

No david without jonathan: The biological brothers of the greatest king of Israel taunted him jealously and hated him intensely, but God gave David a brother from another woman’s womb, who was willing to defy the king’s order and worked hard to ensure David emerged as the king of Israel. Jonathan was the rightful heir to the throne of Israel but discerned the finger of God on the life of David. He thereafter denied himself of the pleasure of the throne and helped in

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