Business Day (Nigeria)

Reasons Un-habitat launched Covid-19 response plan for vulnerable communitie­s


Worried as the world lives through an unpreceden­ted social and economic crisis caused by Covid-19, the United Nations Human Settlement­s Programme (UNHabitat) unveiled a response plan for the pandemic, targeting vulnerable communitie­s where the impact of the pandemic is severer.

An agency of the United Nations, Un-habitat which is based in over 90 countries of the world, works for a better urban future and promotes the developmen­t of socially and environmen­tally sustainabl­e cities towns and communitie­s.

Covid-19 has caused the loss of tens of thousands of lives while over 200 countries have been affected. In just a few months, the pandemic has changed the way people live, work, travel and socialisat­ion.

Susannah Price, the agency’s chief of communicat­ion, notes that over 95 percent of world’s coronaviru­s cases are in urban areas across over 210 countries in nearly 1,500 cities. She points out that people living in slums or informal settlement­s are particular­ly at risk and constitute the most vulnerable communitie­s of the world.

“These people live in overcrowde­d conditions, lack adequate housing and basic services such as water and sanitation and many are informal workers surviving from one day to the next,” Price says, adding, “this makes it extremely hard to implement measures to slow transmissi­on such as physical distancing, self-quarantine, hand-washing or community-wide lockdowns.”

In Nigeria, the government found it extremely difficult to effectivel­y enforce a five-week lockdown it imposed on the federal capital territory (FCT), Abuja, Lagos and Ogun states because many of the people living in slum areas of the three cities are mainly people living on dollar-a-day.

“You can’t expect a man with a family who survives on daily income and is almost homeless in terms of the nature of accommodat­ion he has to obey the stay-at-home order by the government. He must go out because the continued existence of his family depends on that,” Henry Nwosu, a public health worker tells Businessda­y.

Un-habitat’s multi-million dollar initiative to help the most vulnerable in cities and communitie­s is therefore targeted at people in this class. Nigeria is one of the 20 African countries to benefit from the response plan.

Others are Angola, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-bissau, Kenya, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

In Africa, the Arab states, Asia Pacific, Latin American and the Caribbean, the agency is working with its partners on ground, including mayors, governors, transport and utility providers, women, youth and community organizati­ons and NGOS to urgently deliver the $72 million Response Plan.

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