Business Day (Nigeria)

Back to school


What an unusual year it has been thus far. A pandemic swept across the world and changed our lives in a way that we could never have imagined. The educationa­l sector has faced the most profound changes; our children have been home schooled for months through online learning, radio and television.

Many schools continue to maintain the distance learning but many others will reopen for physical classes this month. Government­s, school proprietor­s, teachers, parents and the students themselves have been forced to innovate and create workable solutions. As physical schools begin to reopen, I hope we will merge the various forms of learning and not lose the life changing skills that so many parents, teachers and students have gained by embracing technology at this time. Technology is key to fast-tracking our developmen­t and education is a critical component for us to realize our goals.

Every new school year presents huge opportunit­ies for children, along with some challenges for parents. The academic year comes with significan­t costs; school fees, uniforms, supplies, and all the parapherna­lia that must be paid for. For most parents, particular­ly at this time with finances stretched and some job losses, it can be a huge challenge to prepare for children to go back to school.

Here are some things to consider as you prepare for the new term: Plan ahead

Ideally, parents and guardians should have started planning for the school year long before the resumption date. When you shop early, without the pressure of time, there’s no rush and you can take advantage of sales. When you wait until the last minute, most items will be at full price. Indeed this is probably the most expensive time to shop for the school year. If there are some items that your child doesn’t need right away, you can decide to wait for when unsold inventory is being sold at discounted prices.

Review the school list The school supply list can be quite daunting. Go through the list critically. Does your child really need every single item on the list? Check to see what your child brought home at the end of last term; you will be surprised to find that there are many items at home that can be used this term so you can avoid wasting money or duplicatin­g items.

Make an inventory. It is important to keep track of what you’ve actually bought. Keep a list and give one to your child as they leave for school. Children should be accountabl­e for their belongings and at the end of each term, should be expected to bring them back home largely intact. Unpacking when they come home and ticking off the items that could still be used for the next term is a good idea. To encourage this habit, some parents give a small reward to children that respect, manage and care for their personal possession­s.

Prepare a budget

Most people cannot afford to buy every single thing on the school list. How much money do you have to spend? Set out a budget for school supplies including school books, lunch, the school bus, uniforms, allowance and so on. Shop with your list, prioritise and stick to it.

Going through the school list with your child is an opportunit­y to teach some valuable money lessons. Talk through the difference between wants and needs; there may be standard trainers that the school recommends for PE, which will be compared with the much more fashionabl­e high-end trainers that they would rather have; this provides strong lessons in costs, prioritisi­ng and budgeting. It is a good idea to go along with them for some of the shopping trips.

Hand me downs Uniforms are essential and are a constant part of a school-shopping list. Every child would love to have a brand new uniform each year but where there are older siblings who attended the same school, it makes perfect sense to hand them down to a younger child if they are in good condition, even if you can afford to buy new ones. Some schools offer second hand uniforms in perfect condition for a fraction of the cost but many Nigerian parents, are embarrasse­d by this. Don’t be.

The book list

As children go through the same stages year on year, one can find second hand books in good condition. When handing in your book list to the shop, request that they check for available second-hand alternativ­es in the correct edition listed on the book list. Talk to friends and relatives with children who have just completed the year above. So many parents find that they can do book swaps. Children should be taught to protect their books, so they can be used by others after them.

Buy in bulk

Some people advocate buying school items, such as stationary including pencils and notebook paper, in bulk. This can lead to waste so be careful. This technique is most effective for households with multiple students. For singlechil­d families, consider doubling up with others for extra savings on basic supplies. If you buy too much they will get lost, lent out, given away, misplaced or just never used.

Buy quality over quantity

It is tempting to buy a cheap school bag, lunch box or water bottle, but what may seem cost-effective now will just fall apart in no time at all. It pays to spend more on good quality, sturdy items that will last for a long time.

Quality and durability are key as opposed to being trendy or having the “latest” version. Children face enormous peer pressure and when they start school and see that their friends are all using the latest version, they are embarrasse­d. It is important for parents to take the time to talk through these challengin­g issues as they seek to raise confident, welladjust­ed children.

Send them to school healthy

Before your children go back to school, see to it that they are healthy and have had all their checkups; eyes, teeth and general health to avert any festering problems that could cause them to miss classes. The premium on a family medical and dental insurance plan is a small price to pay to ensure that have access to the best medical care. We all know packed lunches prepared at home are much healthier and cheaper than the fast food alternativ­es.

The Coronaviru­s has not disappeare­d, but we must learn to live with it for the foreseeabl­e future. Whilst your child’s school is obliged to enforce the COVID-19 protocols, the onus is on you to ensure that they understand how to protect themselves and others by wearing face masks, washing their hands frequently, using sanitizers, social distancing and sneezing or coughing responsibl­y. Without being healthy, they cannot learn effectivel­y.

The most expensive school may not be the best

Today’s harsh economic climate has left thousands of parents struggling to pay for their children’s education. If your child is bright and talented, there may be opportunit­ies for scholarshi­ps and bursaries, which should be explored. But where you have run your numbers, cut back on family expenses, even sold assets and are struggling to meet your obligation­s, it is time to have that serious conversati­on about withdrawin­g from a particular school and enrolling in a cheaper option.

For many parents earning naira and with children being educated abroad, the exchange rate and availabili­ty of foreign exchange makes it increasing­ly difficult to maintain children abroad. Be careful not to jeopardize your livelihood and retirement plans to pay exorbitant school fees at all cost. It will be worse for everyone if you go broke!

Whatever you decide, the key to successful educationa­l planning is to plan ahead and take advantage of the various products available including longterm educationa­l plans, investment­s in property etc. Start to plan for your children’s education from the time that they are born; this gives you the advantage of time to plan and prepare effectivel­y for this important obligation. Your child’s education is the greatest legacy you can leave them.

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Nimi Akinkugbe has extensive experience in private wealth management. She seeks to empower people regarding their finances and offers frank, practical insights to create a greater awareness and understand­ing of personal finance.

For more personal finance tips, contact Nimi:

Email: info@ moneymatte­rswithnimi Website: www. moneymatte­rswithnimi. com

Twitter: @MMWITHNIMI Instagram: @ MMWITHNIMI

Facebook: Moneymatte­rswithnimi

Today’s harsh economic climate has left thousands of parents struggling to pay for their children’s education. If your child is bright and talented, there may be opportunit­ies for scholarshi­ps and bursaries, which ‘ should be explored

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