Business Day (Nigeria)

2020 and coming up for air

- EUGENIA ABU Eugenia Abu is a broadcaste­r, writer, trainer, brand and multimedia strategy expert and media consultant. Email: Phone number: 0803310982­0

As this year slowly grinds to a halt, we look back and say things like how lucky to still be here in the midst of such darkness and such high counts in those who passed. I read this week that some of those who passed in the United States are still being kept in make shift morgues and how ambulances were overwhelme­d. I see fields and fields of graves in Egypt, in Mexico and other countries and loved ones who cannot even say goodbye. I see many persons who have slowly lost their cool in the face of a repeat news cycle that just tells you how many persons have passed. The statistics bizarre as they seem hitting home as if you knew all of them. Those with mental health issues suffocatin­g from lockdowns and news of deaths everywhere managing to deal with anxiety, depression and other manners of ill health.

I have lost friends and family in these terrible times and I have seen what it is like to grieve in lock down and during a Pandemic. It is harder for people in Europe and America where parents have died in large numbers in old people’s homes, we here knowing it is our culture for our parents to live with us even though in some African and Hispanic countries and with a younger demographi­c it may not always be so. But so far, we have our Parent’s back. I had the back of mine before they passed as best as I could. I hope it will be so for us. Those elder statesmen and women who died in groups of Coronaviru­s in the western world without their family members able to say goodbye breaks my heart. These are the persons who made their children’s generation spark, provided food, paid school fees and gave funds and time and emotions over the years. But in old people’s homes they remain with very few visitors if any and then to go without comfort or companion is mind-numbing.

Add that to the statistics that the number of women who suffered domestic violence during this pandemic has increased significan­tly and you will know that indeed this year was our “Annus Horribilis.” We are in the throes of economic downturns around the world and there was a violence unseen and unheard of in a long time post- END SARS that did not augur well.

As prisons are thrown open by angry mobs, insecurity has gripped the whole nation by the jugular, with arms taken out of burnt down police stations, we are afraid of going out in some parts of the country even in the daytime. With policemen out of circulatio­n and deaths of security men and civilians hanging in the air, the nation is groaning under the most difficult end of year not seen in a long time. With recession knocking on our doors and many new criminals coming out of the woodworks merged with freed prisoners, everywhere has become uneasy.

If we are to dwell on 2020’s scorecard we will not come up for air. But come up for air we must as the year comes to an end. Tell that person you have always admired what they mean to you. Surprise your wife/ husband with a gift. Argue less with your parents and argue less with your children. Understand their perspectiv­es, it is not so difficult. We will not always be around each other. Let’s take time to tell each other nicer things. Let us be kinder to strangers, family and friends. Disagreeme­nts can be there but we must make up quickly and not dwell on frivolitie­s. Some of the reasons we quarrel is not necessary. If you think back to why you are not talking to your Dad, mum, spouse, children, uncle… it is not that much of a big deal. Forgivenes­s does not diminish your person; it makes you a bigger man/woman.

Smell the coffee, admire a little child’s smile, help someone out, be more charitable, be kind… it is possible. The world can be better. I just lost a friend, Amaka Ndomegba and a host of her other friends. It is painful but we dwell in the will of God. Amaka was generous and fun to be with and kind and young. It is time to come up for air. May 2021 be kinder to us all… Amen.

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