Business Day (Nigeria)

Democracy contains the seeds of its own recovery

A global democratic recession need not go on forever


FOR ALL D o na l d Trump’s efforts to overturn this month’s election, American democracy never looked likely to buckle after polling day. Sure enough, on November 23rd, even as the president once again condemned “the most corrupt election in American history”, he agreed that the federal government should give Joe Biden the resources he needs to prepare for office.

Mr Trump has still done harm, as have the Republican leaders who indulged him (see article). Given that four in every five Republican voters say the vote was “stolen”, trust in the fairness of elections has been shaken and Mr Biden unjustly undermined from the very start. Henceforth in close votes routine jobs like counting and certifying votes will risk being part of the battlegrou­nd. That is not a threat to the republic’s existence, but it does mark a further partisan deteriorat­ion in American democracy.

It is also part of a global democratic recession. The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a flourishin­g in the number and quality of liberal democracie­s, but the trend has now gone into reverse. Hungary and Poland are blocking the European Union budget because their government­s refuse to bow to the rule of law (see article). Our briefing describes how in the world’s largest democracy the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) under Narendra Modi is capturing institutio­ns, including the courts, the police and now, it is feared, the election commission. The Economist Intelligen­ce Unit ( EIU), our sister organisati­on, has been compiling a democracy index since 2006. Last year’s score was the worst ever. Covid-19 has accelerate­d the decline.

The threat is not from military coups but government­s in power. Given time, unscrupulo­us leaders can hollow out democracy completely. Two decades ago Venezuela held meaningful elections; today it is about to eliminate the last kernel of opposition (see article). But even in countries where such a calamity is unthinkabl­e, the erosion of norms and institutio­ns leads to worse government. To reverse this, you have to understand what has gone wrong.

Whether you support them or not, Mr Trump and his fellow populists came to power as a response to the failings of democratic government­s. In rich countries working-class voters came to believe that politician­s did not care about them, after their living standards stagnated and they became worried about immigratio­n. In central and eastern Europe government­s seeking to join the EU paid more heed to Brussels than their own voters. In developing countries corruption sent the message that the ruling classes were chiefly interested in their own bank accounts.

Enterprisi­ng politician­s responded to these feelings by elevating identity far above policy so as to show voters that their grievances matter. Such was the upheaval that some old parties were swept away—in France in 2017 they won just a quarter of the vote between them. Poland had thrived under a centrist government, but Law and Justice told voters that their Catholic values were under attack from Brussels. In Brazil Jair Bolsonaro endorsed voters’ contempt for the political class (see article). So relentless is

Mr Trump’s focus on the identity of his base that he did not even propose a programme for his second term.

Identity politics, boosted by social media and partisan television and radio, has re-engaged voters. Participat­ion is the only component of the EIU’S democracy index to have improved since 2006. Mr Biden and Mr Trump both won more votes than any presidenti­al candidates in history. But in solving one of democracy’s problems, identity politics has created others.

That is because a politics that reinforces immutable identities leads away from the tolerance and forbearanc­e a democracy needs to solve social conflicts. In arguments about who gets what, people can split the difference and feel content. In arguments about who they are—over religion, race and anti-elitism, say—compromise can seem like betrayal. When ways of life are at stake the other lot are not just mistaken, they are dangerous. Having not mattered enough, elections now matter too much.

In some countries majoritari­an leaders have exploited this tribal loyalty to nobble the institutio­ns supposed to check them. In Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan governs as if democratic power is absolute and condemns those who block him as enemies of the republic. In Mexico Andrés

Manuel López Obrador sidesteps entire branches of government, which have supposedly been captured by the elites, and appeals directly to his supporters in referendum­s. In India, when the electoral commission pursued BJP candidates less scrupulous­ly than their opponents, one of the three top commission­ers objected—only to find his family investigat­ed for tax evasion.

America’s institutio­ns are protected by the profession­alism of its judges and officials. Many of them feel bound by standards laid down by those who came before them. When Mr Trump tried to subvert the election, he failed abjectly because countless people did their duty.

As a result, the main harm identity politics does to America comes through animosity and gridlock. Politics is supposed to resolve society’s conflicts, but democracy is generating them instead. Partly because tribes live in different informatio­n universes, matters of fact like wearing masks and climate change are transforme­d into disputes about people’s way of life. The result is that American politics has once again become unresponsi­ve. It fires people up so much that it obstructs the compromise­s needed for society to move forward.

Vote for change

Some warn that the discontent this creates will cause democracie­s to die—an outcome that its foes, championed by Vladimir Putin, have schemed to bring about. And yet, there are plenty of reasons to hope. One of democracy’s strengths is that it promises lots of chances to start again. So long as elections take place, there is always the possibilit­y of kicking the rascals out even in places where government­s stack the vote. In the cities of Hungary and Poland voters have begun to reject repression and cronyism. In EU elections last year populists did worse than expected. Perhaps the pendulum has already begun to swing. India is too vast and too diverse for a single party to rule on its own.

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