Business Day (Nigeria)

Ffaatatla‘pllea‘ PSULREE’ASURE’


Idon’t know how to begin to explain myself to you. How do I begin to explain to you that I am pregnant for my Dad’s best friend. Uncle Terry has been friends with Daddy for like forever. According to him, they’ve known themselves since school days, so yes, they’ve come a long way. I’m sure now that I’ve explained who uncle Terry is, you’ll be itching to know how the pregnancy came about. Don’t worry I’ll tell you, I don’t have anything to hide anymore. At least not at this point!

It was my sixteenth birthday and Uncle Terry had promised me lots of gifts since it was “The Sweet 16”and he sure did. My birthday that year was a hit. Asides the fact that it was “The Sweet 16” party, I had the most gifts ever, with uncle Terry’s gifts topping the list, but something happened that day that I didn’t tell anyone. After the party, I sat by the poolside with my latest headphones, listening to some cool music and soaking in the serenity. I’m not that much of a party person so I needed that quiet and my parents had to leave that night to catch their 9pm flight to Houston for a 4 week seminar. They had delayed the journey because of my birthday so they had to leave that night.

I was more or less alone because the only people at home were the helps and I don’t relate with them that much. But Uncle Terry had promised my parents he’ll take me to his place if I get bored at home. Before you shout; yes he’s married with 4 kids and his family live with him!

I thought I was alone that night but apparently Uncle Terry had been there watching me all along. He later joined me by the poolside and we engaged in some series of conversati­ons. When he was about to leave I decided to escort him to his car. On getting there instead of hugging and giving me a peck on the cheek or head as he always did, he tried to kiss me on my lips...actually he did kiss me. Alarmed, I was like “what was that for?” Then he said it was just a peck on the lip and didn’t mean anything. That as a matter of fact it carried the same meaning with the peck on my cheek.

Naive me, believed him and he left. But I noticed that since after then, whenever he came and wanted to leave, he gave me that kiss and no longer the peck. I’m sure you’ll be wondering why I didn’t tell my parents. I didn’t think he was doing anything wrong, after all Mom kisses me too, so why should his own mean anything different?

After staying at home for a week, I called and asked if I could go over to uncle Terry’s. Aunty Mia was more than happy to receive me. I enjoyed my stay there for like a week before my juice went sour. That day, after eating, I excused myself and went to my room because Aunty Mia was preparing to go out and I wanted to continue watching the movie that kept me up all night. I didn’t know when I slept off (uncle Terry had drugged my juice) but I was awakened by this sharp pain.

When I woke up, I saw that I was almost naked. Uncle Terry was lying beside me with this accomplish­ed evil smile, naked. I was beyond shocked and tried to scream but he immediatel­y held my mouth. I grabbed my undies and ran into the bathroom. I stayed there and was crying. I didn’t even know what to do. Uncle Terry came close to the door and told me that if I tell anyone he’ll kill me. Having said that, he left. After crying for what seemed like an eternity, I had my bath and prepared to leave. But uncle Terry came in and stopped me. He said if I attempted to leave or expose what had happened he was going to tell his wife and my parents that he came in and met me with a boy. Naive me, I was too scared to even challenge him, so I stayed.

That was the beginning of my horror movie. That night after everyone had slept, he sneaked into my room. This time I was wide awake so I confronted him but he said he had already started so what was I protecting? Then he said if I don’t allow him, he’ll force me and if I try to scream he’ll kill me with the knife in his hands, so I let him. This evil continued for the while I stayed there. Uncle Terry kept coming into my room every other night to sleep with me. It’s been 8 weeks now since the first incident and I haven’t seen my period. My Mom didn’t notice because I’m back to school. I thought I was having malaria so I went to the clinic but the doctor said I was pregnant. Pregnant with Uncle Terry’s child? I’m finished! How do I begin to tell the world that Uncle Terry that was supposed to protect me was the one that now violated me? Will my parents believe me? How do I even tell them? What will Aunty Mia do? Won’t my older brother kill someone? How do I get out of this mess?

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