Business Day (Nigeria)

Amuwo-odofin Withdraws Offer of Legal Services following NBA Interventi­on


Recently, the attention of practition­ers in the Legal sector was drawn to publicatio­ns by Amuwo-odofin Local Government of Lagos, offering a wide range of legal services to the public including

In a statement by Rapulu Nduka, Publicity Secretary, Nigerian Bar Associatio­n, the NBA reached out to and resolved the issue with AmuwoOdofi­n Local Government of Lagos. Below are excerpts of the said letter,

“As you may be aware, the attention of the Nigerian Bar Associatio­n ( NBA) and the general public was recently drawn to certain publicatio­ns ascribed to Amuwo- Odofin Local Government of Lagos State, purporting to offer a wide range of legal services to the public, in breach of the extant laws regulating the practice of law in Nigeria.

Following this, the NBA through its Section on Legal Practice (NBA-SLP) intervened to request the Local Government Council to cease and desist from the offending acts. On the basis of this interventi­on, the Council has withdrawn the said publicatio­ns and also pledged to desist from further infringeme­nt.”

The missive from Nduka also included a letter from the Amuwo Odofin Local Government stating its commitment to withdraw its earlier offer. Here are excerpts

“The Local Government, on Friday 7th May 2021 withdrew the publicatio­n in issue from all electronic platforms and publicatio­ns immediatel­y our attention was called to it. In addition, two different rejoinders have been widely circulated on these platforms to confirm the sincere fact of its withdrawal. The Local Government under the incumbent administra­tion is law abiding and promotes the rule of law in its entire ramificati­on, and hereby assures your good office, your law section and the NBA of the continued observance of the rule of law. While thank learned silk and your committee for finding it appropriat­e to contact my office regarding the said publicatio­n, please be assured of my esteemed highest regards at all times. Our government will continue to ensure continuous strict compliance with laws and regulation­s applicable to the offer of legal services and practice in the Federal Republic of Nigeria”

Nduka added in his letter that similar attempts in recent times by other organisati­ons to offer legal services to the public have also been/are being dealt with the NBA and reiterated the NBA’S commitment to maintainin­g the commitment of the legal profession

“The NBA reiterates that it will continue to take every step to ensure that the Legal Profession is not brought to disrepute, and accordingl­y appeals to all lawyers to kindly bring to its attention any such infraction(s) in order for the appropriat­e steps to be taken.”

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