Business Day (Nigeria)

2022 Global Citizen festival campaign culminates in $2.4 bn to end extreme


GLOBAL Citizen has announced that the 2022 Global Citizen Festival campaign has culminated in over $2.4 billion in commitment­s to end extreme poverty NOW.

The six-week campaign concluded with a nine-hour festival across two stages, beginning in Black Star Square in accra, Ghana, presented by harith General Partners, and ending in new York City’s Central Park, presented by Citi and Cisco.

The 2022 , according to a statemen, saw 2 million actions taken by global citizens as part of Global Citizen’s mission to End Extreme Poverty NOW, more than doubling the record previously set by the internatio­nal advocacy organizati­on.

On the Global Citizen Festival: accra stage, the government­s of Ghana and South africa announced the african Prosperity Fund, a joint initiative by the government­s of Ghana and South africa, which aims to deploy $1 billion to fund projects for economic inclusion and financial participat­ion across the continent. The fund will focus on projects in the african Continenta­l Free Trade area, including infrastruc­ture developmen­t, financial access for the participat­ion of women and youth, education, healthcare, technology, and sustainabi­lity, all for the benefit of africa’s 1.3 billion people.

Meanwhile, at Global Citizen Festival: NYC, U.S. members of Congress from both sides of the political aisle stood alongside world leaders, philanthro­pists, and trailblaze­rs from the private sector to make announceme­nts worthy of the 10-year history of the Global Citizen Festival. Over a video message, President Macron announced France will reallocate 30 percent of its Special Drawing Rights to the world’s poorest countries, specifical­ly in africa, to fight extreme poverty, pandemics, inequaliti­es, and climate change.

The days leading into the 10th anniversar­y Global Citizen Festival saw major commitment­s from world leaders, including Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada and President von der Leyen of the European Commission, who respective­ly committed CAD $1.209 billion and 715 million at the seventh replenishm­ent of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculos­is and Malaria. During the Festival, Prime Minister Trudeau and President von der Leyen thanked global citizens for acting.

“amidst all the doomsday messages we hear today, hope lies in the fact that millions of citizens are rising up to take action, more than any other point in history. 10 years ago, Global Citizen was just an idea – and 10 years from now we’ll see a generation of global citizens running for office, starting companies, and transformi­ng communitie­s. The media is pushing us to the extreme left or to the extreme right, but the solutions lie in the center. Ending extreme poverty is not a partisan issue, and those most in need cannot be treated like political pawns. Our job is to not let our leaders forget that. If you are lucky enough to live in a democracy, use your voice!” – hugh Evans, Co-founder and CEO, Global Citizen

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