Business Day (Nigeria)

Edo boosts telemedici­ne delivery with fibre optic infrastruc­ture

- By Idris Umar Momoh, Benin

ANTHONY Okunbowa, Edo State head of service, says the spread of fibre optic internet infrastruc­ture across the 18 local government areas of the state will improve primary healthcare and telemedici­ne.

He stated this during a telemedici­ne workshop in Benin City, with the theme, “Delivering value in primary health care: The role of telemedici­ne.”

According to the head of service, the fiber optic connection across the 18 local government areas in Edo State, primary healthcare centres can leverage access to the internet to improve the delivery of quality healthcare.

“Through telemedici­ne we can harness the power of technology to overcome the barriers that have plagued our primary healthcare system. With the advent of telecommun­ication networks, video conference­s, mobile applicatio­ns, medical advice, consultati­on diagnosis can be delivered remotely reaching those in need regardless of the geographic­al limitation­s.

“The novel initiative is made possible by his Excellency with the connection of fiber optics across the 18 local government areas in Edo State. This not only saves time and resources but also ensures quality healthcare services are readily available even in the most remote areas.”

Samuel Alli, the commission­er for health, said Governor Godwin Obaseki-led administra­tion has continued to reposition primary healthcare centres through strategic interventi­ons.

“In the last two years, we have renovated over 50 facilities and we have also deployed personnel there with the goal that at least there should be one primary healthcare centre functional per ward. We have a template; we have the design.

“We do not want us to begin to view primary healthcare centres as clinics for poor people and rural dwellers. It is for everyone who needs the services.”

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