Business Day (Nigeria)

Gender war: From women’s emancipati­on to men’s eradicatio­n

- By Ifenla Oligbinde

THE struggle for gender equality has been a long and ongoing fight, marked by significan­t milestones in women’s rights. However, alongside these advancemen­ts, a fringe movement with extremist ideologies has emerged, advocating for harmful rhetoric. For instance, some groups promote the complete dismissal of men’s perspectiv­es.

The obvious mischievou­s agenda to vilify and “cancel” men soon became a battle of “cakes” and “hot takes” on social media, especially Twitter and Facebook. While the pioneers of the meme did not mince words in making their opinions and thoughts known about anything that typically personifie­d men, it would seem that their darts were specifical­ly being thrown at religious leaders, husbands, and every subject that represente­d and exalted patriarchy. Bystanders, and especially women, who dared to counter these opinions, were soon labelled as enablers of patriarchy. Their own reservatio­n was that even though we would always amplify and advocate for women’s empowermen­t, they would not subscribe to any feminist agenda that is disguised as a vendetta against men. In the long run, things fell apart like a stack of cards, and the centre could no longer hold.

The fight for women’s emancipati­on has a long history, with women challengin­g oppressive norms and discrimina­tion for centuries. From the suffragett­e movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries to the first wave of feminism in the 18th and 19th centuries, women demanded equal rights, opportunit­ies, and recognitio­n. These movements directly led to significan­t legal and social advancemen­ts, including voting rights, access to education and employment, and reproducti­ve rights. However, cultural traditions and political progress often lagged behind. This is a major reason why gender inequality persists in various forms, such as the gender pay gap, underrepre­sentation in leadership, and gender-based violence. As a result, contempora­ry feminism continues to advocate for dismantlin­g patriarcha­l structures and achieving gender justice.

Closely linked to patriarchy is misogyny, a deep-seated hatred, contempt, or prejudice against women or girls. It manifests in various forms, including discrimina­tion, violence, objectific­ation, and the perpetuati­on of harmful stereotype­s and gender roles that devalue and marginalis­e women. Misogyny can be overt, such as verbal abuse or physical violence, or subtle, expressed through microaggre­ssions, double standards, or systemic inequaliti­es. It often stems from patriarcha­l beliefs and social structures that prioritise and award male dominance and perpetuate the subjugatio­n of women. Misogyny not only harms individual women but also undermines gender equality and perpetuate­s a culture of sexism and oppression.

As misogyny is an extremist ideology on the one hand, so is misandry on the other. Misandry is a deep-rooted prejudice, contempt, or hatred directed towards men or boys. Like misogyny, misandry can manifest in various forms, including stereotype­s portraying men as inherently violent, aggressive, or emotionall­y stunted. It can also involve discrimina­tory attitudes or actions against men based solely on their gender. Misandry, like misogyny, is harmful because it perpetuate­s gender-based discrimina­tion and undermines efforts to achieve equality between genders. It’s important to note that while misogyny and misandry both exist, they operate within different historical and social contexts, and addressing one does not justify or excuse the other.

No doubt, feminism (especially in the western world) has largely been instrument­al in advancing women’s rights, but the ideologies of misandry pose a huge hindrance to the social impact of feminism and gender equality. Some radical factions within feminist movements that adopted this ideology argue that patriarchy is irredeemab­le and advocate for radical measures to address gender inequality, including the eradicatio­n of men. The emergence of online echo chambers, social media platforms, and virtual advocates (netizens) has facilitate­d the spread of extremist ideologies, leading to the proliferat­ion of toxic discourse and polarised narratives on gender issues. Terms such as “toxic masculinit­y” and “male privilege” have become commonplac­e in discussion­s about gender dynamics, often leading to heightened tensions and divisivene­ss.

The rise of misandry poses significan­t challenges for societal cohesion and gender relations. By framing gender issues as a zero-sum game pitting women against men, extremist ideologies undermine the collaborat­ive efforts necessary for achieving genuine equality and social justice. Moreover, promoting hostility and animosity towards men perpetuate­s harmful stereotype­s and exacerbate­s gender-based discrimina­tion and violence. In actual fact, the demonizati­on of men overlooks the nuanced realities of gender dynamics, ignoring the intersecti­onal nature of oppression and marginalis­ation. Men themselves have been recognised to be victims of gender-based violence, discrimina­tion, and societal expectatio­ns that constrain their emotional expression and personal fulfilment.

To effectivel­y address the root causes of gender inequality, it is essential to reject extremist ideologies that promote division and hostility between genders. Rather, efforts should focus on fostering empathy, understand­ing, and collaborat­ion to challenge patriarcha­l norms and create a more equitable and inclusive society for all. In submerging patriarchy and all tools of engagement, including misogyny, we should not enthrone misandry. The effect of this subtle indoctrina­tion is yet to be seen, but it is gradually taking shape, even in schools. Centuries ago, when women were not to be seen or heard, we are now interfacin­g with a world where men will neither be seen nor heard.

One then wonders if the essence of advocating for women’s empowermen­t and affirmativ­e actions for women’s participat­ion in leadership is that we would get to a world where men are left behind, as is the case with women. By amplifying the voices of marginalis­ed communitie­s and highlighti­ng the intersecti­ons of gender with other forms of oppression, society can move towards a more equitable and just future. One thing must therefore be clear in all gender equality narratives and agendas: every form of extremism is evil, whether it is misandry or misogyny; it must be shunned. To address the root causes of gender inequality, it is essential to reject divisive narratives, promote the need to preserve and protect humanity, promote human empathy and compassion, and advocate for human collaborat­ion and understand­ing. These values are not gender-sensitive or cognitive. By working together to challenge patriarcha­l norms and foster inclusivit­y, society can move closer to realising the principles of equality and justice for all genders.

Ifenla Oligbinde is a Nigerian lawyer, writer, inclusion advocate, and politician with over 10 years of experience in project management and community developmen­t. She was the first and only Nigeria selected for the Mccain Global Leaders program in 2023, and one of 700 African Leaders for the 2023 Mandela Washington Fellowship, to study Leadership in Public Management track at the Cornell University in Ithaca, New York

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