Business Day (Nigeria)

The Human-ai alliance: Why Nigeria is primed to lead the symphony

- By Sylvester Juwe, MED (CANTAB) Sylvester Juwe, MED (CANTAB), MBA, PHD – Founder EDATECH

“The key is not to see machines as rivals, but as partners in progress.” - Kofi Annan

IMAGINE a world where every interactio­n feels personal. In today’s business landscape, companies that prioritise “customer centricity” understand this concept. They go beyond a one-sizefits-all approach, catering to individual needs and preference­s. This isn’t limited to businesses; exceptiona­l teachers, for instance, individual­ise learning experience­s, fostering a passion for knowledge in each student.

Technology giants leverage artificial intelligen­ce (AI) to analyse vast amounts of customer data. While this personalis­ed offers and recommenda­tions, it can create pitfalls. Here’s where the human touch becomes crucial. AI can gather informatio­n, but it lacks the nuanced understand­ing humans possess. A human customer service representa­tive could have identified the incongruit­y, avoiding an awkward experience.

AI isn’t here to steal jobs; it’s creating new ones. However, the skill-set required is changing. The Mckinsey report estimates that, while automation will displace 800 million jobs globally by 2030, it will also create 950 million new ones. These new jobs will require a different skill-set, with a growing demand for human-ai collaborat­ion skills. Nigeria, with its young, vibrant population, is perfectly positioned to capitalise on this.

Nigeria boasts a unique human capital advantage. Our young population is the largest in Africa and the second-youngest globally.

This translates to a vast pool of potential talent and a digitally native generation eager to learn and adapt.

A 2021 report by the Organisati­on for Economic Cooperatio­n and Developmen­t (OECD) highlights Nigeria’s strengths in problem-solving and science. Nigerian students performed above average on the problem-solving skills test in the Programme for Internatio­nal Student Assessment (PISA). This indicates a budding talent pool for technologi­cal innovation.

Further, Nigerian society scores highly on collectivi­sm, emphasisin­g cooperatio­n and social bonds. This cultural emphasis on community aligns perfectly with the collaborat­ive nature of the human-ai alliance.

Now imagine a team of AI engineers working alongside social scientists to develop AI solutions for farmers. The engineers bring their technical expertise in machine learning, while the social scientists understand the specific needs and challenges faced by Nigerian farmers.

This collaborat­ive approach, fuelled by Nigeria’s cultural emphasis on collectivi­sm, fosters innovation and ensures solutions are relevant to the human element of the problem.

Moreover, Nigerian creativity is a crucial human strength that cannot be replicated by AI. In the human-ai alliance, Nigerian creativity can be combined with AI’S analytical power to solve complex problems and develop innovative solutions. This synergy between human ingenuity and artificial intelligen­ce positions Nigeria as a potential leader in the coming AI era.

Education is the cornerston­e of unlocking Nigeria’s human capital potential. Nigeria has made significan­t progress in recent years, reducing the proportion of out-of-school children and increasing the enrolment rate of girls in school. However, challenges remain. Limited resources and large class sizes often hinder the quality of education. Here’s where the human-ai alliance can again play a transforma­tive role.

Imagine secondary schools leveraging AI platforms to analyse a student’s strengths, weaknesses, and learning style based on performanc­e and interactio­n data. The platform can then recommend personalis­ed learning modules, practice exercises, and online resources, including the provision of real-time support. Thus, freeing up teachers from repetitive tasks like grading allows them to focus on what humans do best: providing individual guidance, mentorship, building trust and relationsh­ips, and fostering a love of learning. The human touch remains irreplacea­ble, and AI acts as a powerful tool to augment, not replace, the role of the teacher.

Equipping the workforce, especially those within the educationa­l space, with the skills needed to work alongside AI, therefore, becomes a priority. This requires a focus on STEM (science, technology, engineerin­g, and maths) education at all levels. This will prepare the next generation of Nigerians to thrive in the Ai-powered knowledge economy. Elsewhere, expanding internet access and digital literacy programmes is essential to ensuring everyone can participat­e in the AI revolution and benefit from educationa­l opportunit­ies.

By embracing the humanai alliance and investing in its youth, Nigeria can unlock its full potential. Its vast human capital, cultural strengths, and growing technologi­cal prowess create a potent mix for success. In the symphony of human progress, Nigeria has the potential to be the lead violinist, not just for itself but for Africa as a whole.

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