Business Day (Nigeria)

The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World

Author: Niall Ferguson Page: 447 pages Published in 2019 By Clays Ltd Elcograf Reviewer: Kenneth Athekame


The Ascent of Money’ by Niall Ferguson is a compelling exploratio­n of the history and signi cance of money in shaping human civilizati­on.

Ferguson, a renowned economic historian, takes readers on a fascinatin­g journey through time, tracing the evolution of money from its humble origins to its central role in global economics Niall shows that

nancial history is the back-story to all history.

e book deals with the rise of money as a trade form, and tracks its progressio­n, developmen­t, and e ects on society into the 21st Century. It also covers the importance of nancial systems and the role they have played throughout historical events. covering various nancial events along with an introducti­on and an a erword note included at the end.

Each chapter covers a di erent aspect of the nancial system.

One of the book’s strengths lies in its ability to make complex nancial concepts accessible to a wide audience. Ferguson skillfully weaves together historical anecdotes, economic theory, and real-world examples to illustrate the profound impact that money has had on societies throughout history. Whether discussing the origins of currency in ancient civilizati­ons or the intricacie­s of modern nancial markets, Ferguson’s narrative is both engaging and informativ­e.

One of the key themes of the book is the interplay between nance and power. Ferguson argues that throughout history, those who have controlled the ow of money have also wielded signi cant political in uence. From the rise of banking dynasties in Renaissanc­e Italy to the modern era of globalisat­ion, Fergu

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