Daily Trust Saturday

Apo killings: MURIC condemns Senate’s ‘ double standards’

- Abbas Jimoh

THE Muslim Rights Concern ( MURIC) yesterday faulted the Senate for exoneratin­g security agencies in the killings of eight migrant workers in an uncomplete­d building on Soji Aderemi Close, Apo Legislativ­e Quarters, Abuja, on September 20, 2013, saying the double standards in the report is condemnabl­e.

MURIC Director, Prof. Ishaq Akintola, said it was worrisome for the Senate to declare that the eight people killed by security agents in Apo were not members of Boko Haram yet cleared the Nigerian security agencies of culpabilit­y in their deaths.

“We note with deep concern the obvious contradict­ion in the report. Whereas Senate admits that the victims were not members of Boko Haram, it went ahead to absolve the security agencies who carried out the dastardly act. We condemn this double standards. This type of thing should not be happening in a democracy. Life is sacred and security agencies have no right under the law to kill and maim at will. It is sheer manifestat­ion of impunity.

“MURIC finds the testimonie­s in the minority reports more credible. We commend Senators Mohammed Sani Saleh ( Kaduna Central) and Senator Kabiru Garba Marafa ( Zamfara Central) for their courageous stand and their rejection of the report. The Senate has allowed religious sentiment to becloud its sense of judgement. Senate has failed the people of Nigeria.

“We therefore urge families and friends of the victims to seek redress in the courts. MURIC pledges to render necessary assistance in this regard until the culprits are brought to book. Nigerian security agencies must learn to respect constituti­onalism, rule of law, equal rights, justice and fair play,” Akintola said.

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