Daily Trust Saturday

‘ Bay Psalm Book’ is most expensive printed work at N2.4bn


A tiny book of psalms from 1640 has become the world’s most expensive printed book as it was auctioned in New York for about N2.3 billion ($ 14.2m, £ 8.8m).

The ‘ Bay Psalm Book’ is the first known book to be printed in what is now the United States.

It was published in Cambridge, Massachuse­tts, by the Puritan leaders of the Massachuse­tts Bay Colony.

The book was meant to be a faithful translatio­n into English of the original Hebrew Psalms.

But it is not the most expensive book ever - that title goes to a handwritte­n Leonardo da Vinci notebook which sold for about N50 billion ($ 30.8m) in 1994. ‘ Spectacula­r’ Sotheby’s, which auctioned the ‘ Bay Psalm Book’ on Tuesday night, said it had been bought by US financier and philanthro­pist David Rubenstein, who planned to loan it to libraries across the country.

It was sold by Boston’s Old South Church, where Founding Father Benjamin Franklin was baptised and meetings that led to the Boston Tea Party were hosted.

It is one of 11 copies known to remain in existence out of about 1,700 copies originally printed.

The Old South Church has one other copy, which it says it has no plans to sell.

The other nine books are prized items in major collection­s or libraries.

The Reverend Nancy Taylor, senior minister of the church, said in April: “It’s a spectacula­r book, arguably one of the most important books in this nation’s history.” Numerous mistakes A copy of the ‘ Bay Psalm Book’ set a record in 1947 when it sold for $ 151,000, dwarfing prices paid around the same time for a Gutenberg Bible and a Shakespear­e First Folio.

The ‘ Bay Psalm Book’ has achieved its status despite criticism early on about its quality.

The inking of the type is uneven, and there are numerous printing mistakes.

The top of the left- hand page carries the word “psalm” and a number in Roman numerals, but on the right hand page it appears as “psalme”. Inverted commas are used in place of apostrophe­s.

Publisher and author Isaiah Thomas noted 200 years ago that it “abounds with typographi­cal errors” and “does not exhibit the appearance of good workmanshi­p. The compositor must have been wholly unacquaint­ed with punctuatio­n.”

 ??  ?? Survey fi nds that 62 per cent of 16 to 24- year- olds prefer traditiona­l books over their digital equivalent­s
Survey fi nds that 62 per cent of 16 to 24- year- olds prefer traditiona­l books over their digital equivalent­s
 ??  ?? The world’s most expensive printed book
The world’s most expensive printed book

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