Daily Trust Saturday

Nigeria- India relational tension, Northern Nigeria, and Nigerian unity

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SINCE writing about the tensile stress in the relations between Nigeria and India consequent upon the coldbloode­d murder of a Nigerian in the Indian state of Goa, I continue to receive a steady stream of emails from Indians and Nigerians, and feel compelled to share more thoughts on the issue.

First, it was not I who called India the most racist society on earth; it was a study by two Swedish economists that reached that conclusion. I provided a link to the study in the version of my article that appeared on my blog ( www. farooqkper­ogi. com). I should perhaps add that I have many Indian friends here in the United States who are some of the most tolerant and benign people anyone can ever wish to meet. Many of them, in fact, wrote to express outrage that Nigerians are at the receiving end of racist brutality in a part of their country. I certainly didn’t intend to be understood as implying that all Indians are xenophobic brutes.

Second, when I called India the “leader of the Third World,” I used “Third Word” not as an economic or developmen­tal category ( although that’s the term’s dominant significat­ion in contempora­ry usage), but as a political category to refer to countries that were neither ideologica­lly affiliated with the West nor with the East in the heyday of the Cold War. That’s the original meaning of the term, and India was at the vanguard of the Third World movement in the Cold War era. So I was bemused that Indians would throw around the term “Third World” as an insult.

Third, although irrational resentment against dark- skinned Africans is a worldwide scourge, many Africans have an expectatio­n of hospitalit­y— or at the very least tolerance— in India for at least two reasons. The first reason is that India has more dark- skinned people than any country on earth. There are over 200 million dark- skinned people in the country. That is more than the population of Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country.

But dark- skinned Indians are despised and consigned to the bottom of the totem pole. That perhaps explains why Africans get short shrift from Indians. ( Aljazeera recently did an in- depth report titled “Africans decry ‘ discrimina­tion’ in India” on the widespread anti- African bigotry in India). Africans are considered no different from— or maybe even inferior to— the over 200 million dark- skinned Indians the dominant Indian culture has treated as subhumans for millennia. Thankfully, I am told that this attitude is changing slowly in urban India.

Nonetheles­s, in India, “white” is still not only might, but also always right. That’s why, although even the Indian news media habitually report that Israelis and Russians dominate drug traffickin­g in Goa, India, citizens of Israel and Russia have never been called “cancers,” and there have never been xenophobic billboards condemning everybody from these countries. In fact, a December 29, 2012 report in the Times of India said “Russian, Israeli and local drug lords apparently [ enjoy] immunity [ from prosecutio­n], allegedly due to a police- drug mafia nexus.”

Now, this is not by any means a defense or extenuatio­n of the involvemen­t of Nigerians in drug traffickin­g and other scams in India and elsewhere. I am troubled by and acknowledg­e the fact that few Nigerians are indeed involved in drug traffickin­g and Internet scams India, but it would be nice if the crimes committed by these few Nigerians are not used as a basis to judge the rest of us— the same way that Indians don’t condemn all Israelis and Russians because few people from these countries dominate the narcotic trade in their country.

The second reason that Nigerians, especially some northern Nigerians, were disillusio­ned by the blanket ill- treatment of Nigerians in India, particular­ly the rhetorical violence directed at Nigerians in online comments, is that northern Nigerians feel a deep, if unrequited, cultural affinity with India. A lot of us grew up watching Bollywood movies and found many cultural convergenc­es between the portrayals of Hindu culture in Bollywood movies and northern Nigerian culture. That is why Kanywood, the northern Nigerian movie industry that sprang forth from Kano, is little more than an inept, dewy- eyed mimicry of Bollywood.

In addition to the wild popularity of India movies in northern Nigeria, many Nigerians have related with Indians in Nigeria as high school teachers ( in the 1970s and 1980s), classmates, etc.

I encountere­d my first Indian when I was only 5. His name was Job, and he was my classmate in Baptist Primary School in my home town of Okuta in the Baruten Local Government area of Kwara State ( which was then called Borgu Local Government). Job’s father was a Baptist missionary who lived in the same missionary quarters with a Paul Burkwall, an American Baptist missionary whose son, David, was also my classmate.

As children, we couldn’t tell Job from David. We called both of them “bature bibu,” Baatonu for “white children.” One day, Job told me he wasn’t a “bature bii,” that is, a “white child”; he said he was “Indian.” It didn’t make any sense to me at the time because I couldn’t tell him apart from David, a white American kid. It was not until I advanced to primary six and started watching Indian films that it all came together for me.

The point of this recollecti­on is to show the cultural and emotional affinity many Nigerians, especially northern Nigerians, feel toward Indians. ( Although my part of Nigeria is in Kwara State in northcentr­al Nigeria, it is actually culturally indistingu­ishable from the far north). Until fairly recently, Indian movie stars— and public trust, quality education, healthy members of the society, and a nation of patriotic citizens; are some of Allah’s favours we all once enjoyed in this country. These blessings, as a consequenc­e of our actions and inactions in some cases, have all been replaced with selfish leaders, bad governance, indiscipli­ne, corruption, violence, insecurity, bigotry, mistrust, diseased population, decayed educationa­l system, and an unpatrioti­c generation that is ready to give away its country for money. This situation is simply the result of our revolt against Allah’s law who states in Qur’an 8: 58 “Because Allah will never change the grace which He hath bestowed on a people until they change what is in their ( own) souls: and verily Allah is He who hearth and knoweth ( all things)”.

Allah ( SWT) never withdraws His grace arbitraril­y until after an actual state of rebellion and contumacy is manifest in the life of a people. How do you expect all to be well with you as a nation, community, clan or family, when trust which was the hallmark of precolonia­l Nigerians and their leaders up to the end of the first decade after independen­ce is now a virtue that is no longer human but angelic? If today you have a cause to travel far for two years and you entrust your wealth or wife or position of authority to someone you presumably do not doubt his integrity; you are not likely to be pleased with what becomes of by extension Indians in general— were the standard for measuring or talking about beauty in northern Nigeria. Expression­s like “she is so beautiful you would think she’s an Indian” were common when I was growing up, and they were informed by the exaggerate­dly sanitized portrayals of India and Indians in the Bollywood movies we consumed. ( Many northerner­s often feel a deep cognitive dissonance when they see everyday Indians in internatio­nal TV news looking radically different from the notion of the perfect Indian that they had been led to internaliz­e by Bollywood).

So I wasn’t surprised by the ambivalent reactions that my article elicited from my northern Nigerian readers. Some of my readers indifferen­t to the hostility against Nigerians in Goa because the Nigerians that were brutalized are from the south who they said deserved what they got. But, then, many Indian commenters called these “southern Nigerians” Boko Haram muzzie terrorists who are involved in drug trade and Internet scam to fund terrorism in the service of Islam. Uh- oh! And, of course, southern Nigerians who like to malign northerner­s as Boko Haram terrorists saw that Indian commenters called southern Nigerians with names like “Simon” Boko Haram terrorists.

Lesson: non- Nigerians who want to stereotype us don’t care a tinker’s damn which part of Nigeria we come from. Outside Nigeria, a Christian southerner is as likely to be stereotype­d as a Boko Haram terrorist as a northern Muslim is likely to be tagged as a drug trafficker or an Internet scammer.

If this is not enough reason to put our house in order and overcome our own internal bigotry, I don’t know what is. the wealth, wife or position on your successful return. A country where criminals are granted state pardon and given national honours is not a convenient domicile for Allah’s grace.

Some of our Imams and pastors like the present crop of political leaders in Nigeria have equally not been exemplary enough to youths and children. Some traditiona­l rulers in the country have similarly compromise­d their integrity through open and partisan relationsh­ip with politician­s; becoming stooges in some cases to political actors. A judiciary that jails those guilty of stealing a goat but acquits public officers found guilty of stealing billions of naira is part of the problem. Lawmakers like other leaders have become lawbreaker­s. A situation in which it is considered an acceptable norm for parents to derelict their naturally assigned roles of providing care and love for their children surely puts the country’s future in critical jeopardy.

Readers must have realized that it is Nigerians, and not the world, that have changed. The present sorry state of Nigeria should, as affirmed in Qur’an 30: 41, be seen in the light of what ‘ the hands of men have earned’. Our existing circumstan­ces should inspire us to repent from our sins; with a resolve to live a God- fearing life. May Allah ( SWT) reverse the country’s appalling situation for the common good of all, amin.

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