Daily Trust Saturday

Kids of problem drinkers more likely to marry someone with same issue


Children of parents who have alcohol use disorder are more likely to get married under the age of 25, less likely to get married later in life, and more likely to marry a person who has alcohol use disorder themselves, according to a new study by researcher­s at Virginia Commonweal­th University and Lund University in Sweden.

“There are many pathways through which a parent’s alcohol problems can influence our own risk for alcohol problems. One important pathway, of course, has to do with the genes that parents pass to their children,” said the study’s lead author, Jessica Salvatore, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology in the College of Humanities and Sciences at Virginia Commonweal­th University.

“But another important pathway, which we demonstrat­e here, is through the social environmen­t.”

The study was published in the most recent issue of the journal Addiction. It is based on data from legal, medical and pharmacy registries with detailed informatio­n on 1.17 million people in Sweden who were born between 1965 and 1975.

“Although there have been many studies along these lines in the past, there were some key methodolog­ical limitation­s to these prior studies, including the reliance on small samples,” Salvatore said.

“We were able to leverage the Swedish national registries to look at these questions in a large sample of over 1 million people.”

The researcher­s set out to discover if alcohol use disorder (AUD) among parents would predict their adult offspring’s likelihood of marriage and marriage to a spouse with alcohol use disorder.

“We know from previous research that who you marry plays a big part in whether you develop an alcohol problem,” Salvatore said. “What we found in this study is that who you marry is not random -- and, in fact, the people who are at greatest risk for developing an alcohol problem (because they have an affected parent) are most likely to end up with a spouse who is going to exacerbate this risk.”

Researcher­s found that parental alcohol use disorder is associated with a higher probabilit­y of marriage at younger ages, a lower probabilit­y of marriage at older ages and a higher likelihood of marriage to an affected spouse compared with no parental alcohol use disorder.

“In this case, we found that you do marry someone who is like your parents,” Salvatore said.

The researcher­s also found that most of these effects become stronger when the number of parents with alcohol use disorder increases have fun when you are healthy. What is your nutritiona­l objective as Christmas and the New Year approaches? Of course, this is a season of indulgence, but as a healthcons­cious individual, you must select your meals and drinks with your overall nutritiona­l goal in mind. And I think pure fruit juice is definitely the way to go.”

“The available evidence relating to 100 percent fruit juice consumptio­n indicates modest benefits for blood pressure, while there is also an emerging trend revealing inverse associatio­ns between pure fruit juice consumptio­n and risk of stroke. Overall, this suggests that unadultera­ted fruit juice is an appropriat­e choice of beverage for a heart healthy diet,” she stressed.

A glass of orange juice has nearly your from one to two. Most effects also held after statistica­lly controllin­g for parents’ socioecono­mic status, marital history, other externaliz­ing disorders, and the offspring’s own alcohol use disorder status.

Additional­ly, daughters of affected mothers are more likely to have an affected spouse, the researcher­s found.

The researcher­s were interested in their findings because previous research has shown that forming and maintainin­g romantic relationsh­ips with “prosocial” spouses reduces one’s risk of developing alcohol use disorder.

“And what we find here is that people who are at risk of developing AUD (by virtue of growing up with an AUD-affected parent) are less likely to find themselves in these types of protective marital environmen­ts,” Salvatore said.

From a practical standpoint, she daily recommenda­tion of vitamin C, an important oxidant to neutralise free radicals formed as part of your body’s natural oxidation process.

“Consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables is a recognised way to maximise the ingestion of vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant nutrients,” said Abiola.

“Also, clinical studies reveal several mechanisms relating to vascular health, inflammati­on, lipid oxidation and platelet aggregatio­n that could explain a benefit for pure fruit juices in lowering CVD risk. Polyphenol compounds and potassium in fruit juices are most likely responsibl­e for these effects. In fact, more than a decade’s worth of research suggests that 100 percent fruit juice can help support a healthy heart.” said, the study’s findings could be useful for clinicians and others who work with the offspring of parents with alcohol use disorder to raise awareness of how parental AUD can influence the types of social environmen­ts that can increase one’s risk for alcohol use disorder.

“There are large internatio­nal organizati­ons, like Al-Anon and Alateen, that are geared towards helping and supporting the family members, and in particular children of people affected by alcohol use disorders,” Salvatore said. “I think that there is a role for findings like ours as part of these types of family education programs. Specifical­ly, becoming aware of how a parent’s alcohol problem might shape one’s own likelihood of ending up in the kind of marriage that will increase risk for alcohol problems may help people choose differentl­y.”

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