Daily Trust Saturday

Still on Onnoghen and all the fuss

- Mundagi@dailytrust.com with M.U Ndagi 0805963739­4 (SMS only)

Since allegation­s of nondeclara­tion of asset against CJN Onnoghen became public knowledge about three weeks ago, it has been a long chain of accusation­s and counter accusation­s, interlocut­ory court injunction­s, re-interpreta­tion and misinterpr­etation of extant laws, ethnic jingoism, protests and boycott orders.

The Executive Secretary of the Anti-Corruption and Research Based Data Initiative (ARDI), Dennis Aghanya, had accused CJN Onnoghen in a petition to the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) of failing to declare his asset upon assumption of office in 2016. The ARDI alleged that Justice Onnoghen maintained domiciliar­y accounts in US dollars, British pounds, and Euro in different bank accounts in Nigeria; all of which were omitted in his asset declaratio­n form. The amounts are in millions of dollars.

On Friday January 11, 2019, Justice Onnoghen in a statement to CCB investigat­ors explained that his non-compliance with some aspects of his asset declaratio­n form was “a mistake”. He said the undeclared foreign currencies found in his Standard Chartered Bank were sourced from his estacodes, including funds from his days of private practice between 1979 and 1989.

Consequent­ly the CCB filed a 6-count charge against Justice Onnoghen before the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) over alleged failure to declare his asset upon assumption of office as provided in section 15 (1) of the CCB and Tribunal Act C15; punishable under section 23 (a), (b), and (c) of the same Act.

CJN Onnoghen was absent when his case came up for hearing on Monday January 14, 2019 at the CCT sitting in Abuja. The Chairman of the CCT Justice Danladi Umar adjourned the arrangemen­t to Tuesday January 22, 2019 to enable proper service of the summons be effected on the CJN. However, a team of 90 lawyers including over 40 Senior Advocates of Nigeria (SAN) led by Wole Olanipekun appeared as counsel to the accused; challengin­g the jurisdicti­on of the CCT to hear the case against the CJN. According to Olanipekun, the position of the law is that” where a defendant is challengin­g the jurisdicti­on of the court, the defendant does not have to be in court”.

The 90 defence lawyers have perhaps “forgotten” that the accused, Justice Onnoghen , had in the past given judgment affirming the tribunal’s power to try such cases. In a judgment delivered on the July, 2013, Justice Onnoghen held that the CCT had exclusive jurisdicti­on to deal with all violations contraveni­ng any of the sections of the CCB; saying provision of the CCB “expressly ousted the powers of ordinary regular courts in respect of such violations” Now, why is the large team of defence lawyers ignoring CJN Onnoghen’s previous rulings CCT’s jurisdicti­ons? This is what you get when learned me allow their intellect to be governed by sentiments rather than knowledge. The same Onnoghen shortly after assuming office as CJN appealed to Nigerians who had useful informatio­n to blow their whistles against corrupt judges. Now that ARDI had blown the whistle as requested, why are interest groups including Onnoghen making frantic efforts to stall his trial?

While the Chairman of the CCT’s 3-man panel was ruling on the adjournmen­t of Onnoghen’s case to January 20, 2019, a Federal High Court on Monday January 14, 2019 issued an interim injunction restrainin­g the CCT from trying CJN Onnoghen. Justice E.N. Maha ordered for status quo that exists as at January 14, 2019 when an ex parte applicatio­n was brought by a group of students of economics through their lawyer, J.C Njikonye, challengin­g the proceeding­s at the CCT in Abuja.

The Nigerian Bar Associatio­n (NBA) directed all its members to stay away from court proceeding­s for two days; January 29, 2019 and January 30, 2019. While those who complied said they acted in defence of the embattled CJN Onnoghen, lawyers who defied the order including Femi Falana (SAN) said the order was not binding on them because they had contracts with their clients. The insensitiv­ity demonstrat­ed by NBA in its boycott order shows how Nigerians regardless of their presumed learning could reduce themselves to the level of a much unlettered man on the street over a matter in which NBA is not a party.

Auspicious­ly, the Court of Appeal in Abuja, on Wednesday this week, rejected a requested by the suspended CJN Onnoghen seeking to stop his trial at the CCT on grounds that provisions of the law prohibits the suspension of criminal cases based on an interlocut­ory applicatio­n. The ball is again back to CCT’s court.

In the face of the allegation­s against Justice Onoghen, as grievous as they were, the most honourable thing for him to have done was to quit his position as CJN. His own confession that “it was a mistake” because he “forgot”, is not only a strong reason for his conviction even in the public court of morality but also ridiculous of the revered office of the CJN. A man of this questionab­le character certainly lacks moral justificat­ion to preside over corrupt cases or even jail corrupt public officers including judges. Consequent­ly, President Muhammadu Buhari on January 25, 2019 suspended Justice Onnoghen from office and appointed Justice Ibrahim Tanko, the most senior among justices of the Supreme Court as Acting CJN pending the final determinat­ion of his case.

In order to give government a bad name, Onnoghen’s suspension from office was interprete­d by admirers of his “mistake” and “forgetfuln­ess” to mean outright removal so that President Buhari’s action could be condemned for refusing to adhere to the constituti­on which prescribes procedures for removing a CJN. President Buhari said it all when he remarked while suspending which should be placed on a public official suspected of illicitly enriching themselves with the resources of state, weighed against the safeguardi­ng of legitimate community interests and expectatio­ns for a corrupt-free society.

Taking a historical cue from Nigeria, several instances in the performanc­e of democratic power suggest that Nigerian leaders have consistent­ly disregarde­d the principles of the rule of law and good governance; which violates the ideal democratic values and institutio­ns capable of underminin­g the country’s sustainabl­e developmen­t. The long years of military rule in Nigeria has impacted negatively on governance simply because the observance of democratic ethics and the rule of law do not sit well with military ethics and rule; making civilian regimes to not fare better. It is therefore not in doubt that this subversion of due process, manipulati­on of existing laws and regulation­s for suiting parochial interests lead to non-sustainabl­e developmen­t and underdevel­opment.

Recently, the Muhammadu Buhari administra­tion suspended the Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Mr. Walter Onnoghen. The president swore an interim replacemen­t to the suspended CJN on reasons that Onnoghen failed to declare his assets as required by law through the Code of Conduct Bureau. Following this action, arguments arose for or against the suspension. The Nigerian Bar Associatio­n (NBA), an umbrella profession­al associatio­n of all lawyers admitted to the bar in Nigeria, for instance, issued a statement to condemn the president’s action. They show that the suspension was clearly extraneous to Onnoghen from office that “In the midst of all these distractin­g events, the essential question of whether the accused CJN actually has a case to answer has been lost in the squabble over the form and nature of his trial. This should not be so”.

Justice Onnoghen’s case, once again, brings to mind the case of some judges whose houses were separately raided by the Department of State Services (DSS) in Abuja, Rivers, Gombe, Kano, Enugu and Sokoto states on suspicions of corruption; and cash in local and foreign currencies were recovered. Most of the judges were eventually not charged while none of those tried was successful­ly convicted by the courts.

The non-conviction of judges arraigned on corruption charges, the striking out of corruption cases filed against judges at various courts, the granting of ex parte applicatio­n to public officers standing trial on corruption charges, and the long standing practice of issuing conflictin­g judgments in one case by different judges are some of the misdemeano­urs responsibl­e for the abysmal collapse of the reputation of Nigerian judges. With his present case, Onnoghen completed the final phase of the image battering project started by his colleagues.

To save the country’s judiciary from the deep-rooted corrupt practices, radical measures must be taken to retrieve the institutio­n from bribe-taking judges and their colleagues who have lost integrity and deserve no honour. May Allah (SWT) continue to guide President Buhari as he tackles those who are supposed to try and jail criminals but have themselves become suspected criminals, amin. the constituti­onal provision of 1999. The constituti­on states that: “The National Judicial Council (NJC) shall have the power to recommend to the President the removal of the judicial officers specified in subparagra­ph (a) of this paragraph, and to exercise disciplina­ry control over such officers.”

But irrespecti­ve of the side of the legal argument one belongs or whether due process was observed in the CJN’s removal, the main reason why the polity is heated at this time over the president’s action lies not only in whether the president’s action was right or wrong but why he was very swift in acting on the CJN. We can all safely say that given our cognizance with the ways of the president in handling wrongdoing­s since he assumed power, his singular action, this time with its swiftness, comes to us as a surprise. Also, given the government’s attitude to previous court pronouncem­ents, its response to the orders of the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) which indicted Onnoghen causes some suspicion. Thus, it is within reason for the Nigerian public to raise questions in a bid to comprehend the underlying connotatio­ns of the president’s action. If the president had a habit of attending to all court orders and/or issues of misconduct in government with this type of rapid response, there may not have been doubts on the part of the public. As we await the final verdict by the courts on the legitimacy of the president’s action, perhaps this episode can serve as a moral to the president on the need to attend to all issues of governance (especially those bordering on corruption or breach of due process) speedily and fairly.

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